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Am I still allowed to question climate change?

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Why are you asking me, I didn't cause global warming on my own I'm just commenting on the fact the planet is warming, the sea is rising and the ice is melting., just because trying to fix it makes life a little more expensive doesn’t mean its not happening.




this has happened for 100,000,000's of years, its only new to us now as this the 1st time we have seen it, and since records started we have noticed changes, but again has been happening for 1000's of years before now


sit back and chill people we won’t see the worst of it anyway

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So you're quite willing that some old people die, because fuel prices have been artifically inflated due to 'green' pressure?


Simple answer, Yes or No.


Your technique is awful as well as ill informed and badly judged.

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So you're quite willing that some old people die, because fuel prices have been artifically inflated due to 'green' pressure?


Simple answer, Yes or No.


Do you still steal things Convert?


Simple answer, Yes or No.



I don't expect you to reply btw - just a way of showing you how loaded a question can be...

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Do you still steal things Convert?


Simple answer, Yes or No.



I don't expect you to reply btw - just a way of showing you how loaded a question can be...


A nice attempt to divert from the actual question, but really a poor straw man.


2/10 must try harder.


My question was not loaded. Green taxes and subsidies are causing fuel bills to rise. People who worry about there bills will not heat their homes. This will lead to deaths during the winter. That is a real 'inconvenient truth' (hat tip to fat Albert)


It would appear that the greenwashed on here would like to ignore that.

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So you're quite willing that some old people die, because fuel prices have been artifically inflated due to 'green' pressure?


Simple answer, Yes or No.


Yes or no would be to short for SF:D


I could answer by saying, no of course not we will keep energy prices low and bury our heads in the sand, on the other hand I could say people around the world are already dying from floods and drought caused by climate change. But whichever answer I give won’t change the fact, that the climate is changing, sea level in increasing and the glaciers and ice caps are melting.

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Yes or no would be to short for SF:D


I could answer by saying, no of course not we will keep energy prices low and bury our heads in the sand, on the other hand I could say people around the world are already dying from floods and drought caused by climate change. But whichever answer I give won’t change the fact, that the climate is changing, sea level in increasing and the glaciers and ice caps are melting.


Thank you for providing an answer.


Could you now provide proof that man made climate change is causing these extreme weather events? Can you also tell me where the extra taxation we're paying is being used to combat these supposedly man made issues?



PS I don't doubt that the climate is changing, I do doubt that man is responsible for the majority of that change,


PPS As you seem to want to stop climate change, could you let me know the ideal temperature you'd like to set the world central heating thermostat to? :)

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this has happened for 100,000,000's of years, its only new to us now as this the 1st time we have seen it, and since records started we have noticed changes, but again has been happening for 1000's of years before now


sit back and chill people we won’t see the worst of it anyway


Yes it as and when you look at these changers they usually coincided with species extinctions.

The problem we have now is for the first time in the planets history a single species is able to affect the climate, no other species as ever polluted the planet the way we have, no other species as released millions of years worth of stored carbon back into the atmosphere, other species just died out when the planets climate changed. We have the opportunity to correct our mistakes and hopefully the planet will still support all the life it as now, for many 1000’s of years. Or we could just ignore it and hope it’s not happening but the longer we ignore it the worse it is likely to get.

Edited by andikay
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Thank you for providing an answer.


Could you now provide proof that man made climate change is causing these extreme weather events? Can you also tell me where the extra taxation we're paying is being used to combat these supposedly man made issues?



PS I don't doubt that the climate is changing, I do doubt that man is responsible for the majority of that change,


PPS As you seem to want to stop climate change, could you let me know the ideal temperature you'd like to set the world central heating thermostat to? :)

It appears that we are in agreement, the problem being the small change we are causing may be more than many species can cope with, and when one spices dies other usually follow, marine phytoplankton the start of the oceans food chain which absorbs carbon dioxide and helps to moderate the climate is adversely affected by rising sea temperatures. If it dies or reduces in quantity CO2 levels increase and the planet gets warmer, we are already destroying the forests making them less able to absorb the CO2. As the planet gets warmer the permafrost melts and releases millions of tonnes of methane into the atmosphere, methane is a better green house gas than CO2, and the planet gets warmer.

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It appears that we are in agreement, the problem being the small change we are causing may be more than many species can cope with, and when one spices dies other usually follow, marine phytoplankton the start of the oceans food chain which absorbs carbon dioxide and helps to moderate the climate is adversely affected by rising sea temperatures. If it dies or reduces in quantity CO2 levels increase and the planet gets warmer, we are already destroying the forests making them less able to absorb the CO2. As the planet gets warmer the permafrost melts and releases millions of tonnes of methane into the atmosphere, methane is a better green house gas than CO2, and the planet gets warmer.


Something that's been bugging me about all this is if you go way back in the planet's evolution we have a rough idea that there have been massive events that appear to have completely wiped out life on this planet and yet it still managed to reconfigure itself.


I've also been looking into having solar panels fitted to the house for no other reason than saving money on energy bills. having seen the way this system operates and how completely stupid it is I do wonder if you are really been sucked into the new religion.


There's not a lot difference between you guys and the old guys because the bottom line is money and as usual you are hammering the poor to pay for the profits of the rich..


You obviously mean well but has it ever crossed your mind that you are possibly being used?

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