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Am I still allowed to question climate change?

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Something that's been bugging me about all this is if you go way back in the planet's evolution we have a rough idea that there have been massive events that appear to have completely wiped out life on this planet and yet it still managed to reconfigure itself.


I've also been looking into having solar panels fitted to the house for no other reason than saving money on energy bills. having seen the way this system operates and how completely stupid it is I do wonder if you are really been sucked into the new religion.


There's not a lot difference between you guys and the old guys because the bottom line is money and as usual you are hammering the poor to pay for the profits of the rich..


You obviously mean well but has it ever crossed your mind that you are possibly being used?


I don’t think that life as ever been completely wiped out by anything, when the dinosaurs were wiped out small mammals survived which is the reason we are here.

I’m not being sucked into anything and it wasn’t me looking at solar panels it was you.

I’m not hammering anyone and who are the old guys, and you guys?

Being used by whom and for what?

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A nice attempt to divert from the actual question, but really a poor straw man.


2/10 must try harder.


My question was not loaded. Green taxes and subsidies are causing fuel bills to rise. People who worry about there bills will not heat their homes. This will lead to deaths during the winter. That is a real 'inconvenient truth' (hat tip to fat Albert)


It would appear that the greenwashed on here would like to ignore that.


It's the constraint that you place on the answer. Yes or No.


So - do you still steal then?

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I don’t think that life as ever been completely wiped out by anything, when the dinosaurs were wiped out small mammals survived which is the reason we are here.

I’m not being sucked into anything and it wasn’t me looking at solar panels it was you.

I’m not hammering anyone and who are the old guys, and you guys?

Being used by whom and for what?


You seem to be buying into a modern day religion.

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Depends on what you define as facts and science I guess.


Facts a truth known by actual experience or observation; something known to be true:


Science the intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study of the structure and behavior of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment

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Facts a truth known by actual experience or observation; something known to be true:


Science the intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study of the structure and behavior of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment



Ok so predict the weather in 1 years time in the UK? What will the average temperature be. You have the facts, you have the science, go for it?

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Ok so predict the weather in 1 years time in the UK? What will the average temperature be. You have the facts, you have the science, go for it?


What facts do you think I have that would allow me to make a weather prediction?

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Ok so predict the weather in 1 years time in the UK? What will the average temperature be. You have the facts, you have the science, go for it?


There is this little thing called chaos theory, allied with something from Mr Heisenberg it makes it difficult to make predictions like that as I'm sure you know.


Now, predicting the climate will be trivially easy.

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