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Am I still allowed to question climate change?

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Back to the question put to you, if man made climate change is a mere 20% certain, what are you going to do about it?


So you are doing nothing and expect others to give you an answer.


By the way you're endangering the planet as you continue to refuse to give an answer, extra power used and all that, think about the polar bears.:roll:

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You seem to be struggling with this debating thing. Take a look back at the exchange for clarification.



For the fourth time, the question put to you, if man made climate change is a mere 20% certain, what are you going to do about it?

Edited by Tony
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Forget the data for a moment and look at it from a common sense point of view.


That would be convenient wouldn't it. The data doesn't show what the green movement wants so we should forget it.


The earth’s climate as always goes through cycles of change and during some of these changes thousands of plant and animal species have died out.

There has never been a time in history when 6 billion humans have burned so much fossil fuel, and put so much pollution into the sea, ground and air, so history can’t tell us what the consequences will be.

Some facts,

Forests and plants clean the air; they take up CO2 along with other chemicals and store them. We are destroying forests at an alarming rate.

Phytoplankton does the same in the oceans its health and ability to use CO2 and to produce oxygen can be reduced by temperature changes, salinity changes and pollutants.


Now on one of those points i'll agree with you. Deforestation, we're ripping the lungs out of the planet and it has to stop. No more clearing huge tracts of land to produce bio-fuels; another ill thought green initiative. How about the green lobby tackle the real, overwhelming problem; over population.



Do you absolutely believe that human’s activity on this planet makes no difference at all to the way the earth’s eco systems work?

Do you believe not polluting the earth and using cleaner energy will make no difference at all?


I think that we don't fully understand how our eco system works; it's too vast and too chaotic to be modelled (at the moment). Show me causality linking climate change to human activity; real causality not just some half baked CO2 correlations.


I'm all for the conservation of resources, and more efficient use of the bounty we have on this planet. I'm all for nuclear, but I believe wind to be a bit of a dead end; too much resource used for too little gain. What I do disagree with is the way the public has been misinformed by the mainstream media, and by government funded research facilities; facilities who rely upon alarmist findings to secure their funding.

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You seem to be struggling with this debating thing. Take a look back at the exchange for clarification.



For the fourth time, the question put to you, if man made climate change is a mere 20% certain, what are you going to do about it?


Seeing as you were not quoting me, see that quotee thing in the bottom corner, you didn't ask me a question, where as I did, and have no answer from you only diversions.

Now come on what are you doing about it now.

You seem to be struggling with this debating thing.

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Oh dear. As the exchange indicates, I'm doing plenty and I don't want to elaborate since it's private and frankly why would anyone believe me or care when you look at the context of this thread.


Fair comment about the question but let's throw that question at you directly; if man made climate change is a mere 20% certain, what are you going to do about it?

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Oh dear. As the exchange indicates, I'm doing plenty and I don't want to elaborate since it's private and frankly why would anyone believe me or care when you look at the context of this thread.


Fair comment about the question but let's throw that question at you directly; if man made climate change is a mere 20% certain, what are you going to do about it?


Still dodging are you.

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I'm not dodging anything, I have said clearly what I am doing, that I will not elaborate, and why.



So then, that question that you're inexplicably avoiding; if man made climate change is a mere 20% certain, what are you going to do about it?

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That would be convenient wouldn't it. The data doesn't show what the green movement wants so we should forget it.




Now on one of those points i'll agree with you. Deforestation, we're ripping the lungs out of the planet and it has to stop. No more clearing huge tracts of land to produce bio-fuels; another ill thought green initiative. How about the green lobby tackle the real, overwhelming problem; over population.





I think that we don't fully understand how our eco system works; it's too vast and too chaotic to be modelled (at the moment). Show me causality linking climate change to human activity; real causality not just some half baked CO2 correlations.


I'm all for the conservation of resources, and more efficient use of the bounty we have on this planet. I'm all for nuclear, but I believe wind to be a bit of a dead end; too much resource used for too little gain. What I do disagree with is the way the public has been misinformed by the mainstream media, and by government funded research facilities; facilities who rely upon alarmist findings to secure their funding.


I wasn't telling you to forget it, just to look at what humans are doing from a common sense point of view. Evidence isn’t needed to know we are harming the planet.


We appear to agree on a lot, I also thing the planet is over populated, and that the population is linked to climate change, but if you don’t think humans are affecting the planet why do you think there are too many.

If there are no climate problems why does it matter that humans are destroying forests.

I think we need to use at all green energy, nuclear, wave, wind and solar.

Edited by andikay
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I'm not dodging anything, I have said clearly what I am doing, that I will not elaborate, and why.



So then, that question that you're inexplicably avoiding; if man made climate change is a mere 20% certain, what are you going to do about it?


I don't want to elaborate since it's private.;) works both ways dunnit.


Since you won't elaborate I'll just have to assume you have done nothing and are just trolling.


Can you provide proof that 20% of climate change is certainly man made?

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I don't want to elaborate since it's private.;) works both ways dunnit.


Since you won't elaborate I'll just have to assume you have done nothing and are just trolling.


Can you provide proof that 20% of climate change is certainly man made?

For the sake of everyone's sanity I'll ignore the silliness.





The 20% isn't a statement of fact, it is a question posed to you or anyone else.


Think of it as a philosophical issue; Is a 20% chance of exterminating human life as we know it too great a chance to ignore? Is 10%? Is 1%?


Do you do the lottery? Plenty of people fancy their chances with a 14m to 1 chance of getting rich. Is a 14m to 1 chance of exterminating our species too great a risk to take?


You and others seem belligerent to the point of inducing your own demise. Since I and others aren't prepared to let you wantonly kill you and your kin we'll take the chance that it might all be a waste of time because let's face it, the alternative defies logical reason.

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