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Am I still allowed to question climate change?

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Then pose your question at China and India for starters, what difference do you think recycling your bottletops is going to make, whilst they take your job your business and the air you breathe pollute the planet on a larger scale than at any time in history, whilst you in your ivory tower can't see past the end of your nose and give them your tax money to do so,

since I and others can see more clearly from a realistic view it may be time you discarded the rosey glasses and go to specsavers.

Do you have shares in any Chinese or Indian etc.companies if so I can understand your concern and hypocrisy.

Ignorance is forgiveable up to a point, but not yours.

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Let's deal with your point about China and India shall we?


It's common knowledge that they are both way behind the carbon production of established developed nations. Both nations are taking measures to mitigate in the same way that we are but the raw truth is that it's not their carbon that is a problem right now - it's yours.

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Let's deal with your point about China and India shall we?


It's common knowledge that they are both way behind the carbon production of established developed nations. Both nations are taking measures to mitigate in the same way that we are but the raw truth is that it's not their carbon that is a problem right now - it's yours.



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Carbon doesn't recognise national boundaries. If you read your own reference properly you will see that we in the UK emit 8.35t/p and that


• The US is still number one in terms of per capita emissions among the big economies - with 18 tonnes emitted per person

• China, by contrast, emits under six tonnes per person, India only 1.38

• For comparison, the whole world emits 4.49 tonnes per person

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Carbon doesn't recognise national boundaries. If you read your own reference properly you will see that we in the UK emit 8.35t/p and that


• The US is still number one in terms of per capita emissions among the big economies - with 18 tonnes emitted per person

• China, by contrast, emits under six tonnes per person, India only 1.38

• For comparison, the whole world emits 4.49 tonnes per person


So sharing it per capita makes it a smaller amount, perhaps the world should breed more then we can bring it down even further.




• China emits more CO2 than the US and Canada put together - up by 171% since the year 2000• The US has had declining CO2 for two years running, the last time the US had declining CO2 for 3 years running was in the 1980s

• The UK is down one place to tenth on the list, 8% on the year. The country is now behind Iran, South Korea, Japan and Germany

• India is now the world's third biggest emitter of CO2 - pushing Russia into fourth place

• The biggest decrease from 2008-2009 is Ukraine - down 28%. The biggest increase is the Cook Islands - up 66.7%

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In the 70's it was the ice age cometh, In the 80's it was the hole in the ozone layer, inthe 90's is was global warming and in the 00's you soothsayers were found to be acting corruptly.


No surpises then that when you can't get your science or your facts right people begrudge paying more tax.


Don't know why but a thought came into my head of Bono from U2 screaming his head off about giving aid to charity in Africa but it turns out he's avoding paying tax in his own country.


There is a hole in the ozone layer, which has resulted in a massive increase in skin cancer, especially in the southern hemisphere, and which is now shrinking, thanks to the global measures taken to limit the use of ozone destroying gasses in the late 80s.


The level of ignorance you are displaying here seems about average for those who dismiss climate change out of hand, when they clearly have not even taken the trouble to inform themselves of the very basics.


I'm not sure whether the extent of man made climate change is as great or as dangerous as some people believe, and tend to see it as merely another symptom of the far more serious and imminent threat posed by global human over-population.

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The next problem is when ozone increases to plug the hole the temperature increases because Ozone is a green house gas.


It's only a green house gas when not in the stratosphere though (IIRC), so that isn't a problem. (The hole is cyclical btw, it's size varies down to nothing during the winter).

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It's only a green house gas when not in the stratosphere though (IIRC), so that isn't a problem. (The hole is cyclical btw, it's size varies down to nothing during the winter).


The ozone layer traps heat so when it thins or is destroyed the upper atmosphere cools which off sets some of the warming effect of other gases.

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What's the average daily temperature in Sheffield over the last 5 years?


What was the average daily temperature in Doncaster (not too far away) in 55 BC (or thereabouts,) when Caesar was there?


The garrisons on Hadrians wall made their own wine from the grapes they grew outdoors. Do grapes grow readily outdoors along Hadrian's wall nowadays? Are the Northumbrian vineyards well renowned?


If it was warmer there then than it is now (and it appears it was far warmer back then), what caused all that global warming?

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The ozone layer traps heat so when it thins or is destroyed the upper atmosphere cools which off sets some of the warming effect of other gases.


I was going to take your word for it. But fortunately I checked.




This increase in ozone is of further concern because ozone present in the upper troposphere acts as a greenhouse gas, absorbing some of the infrared energy emitted by the earth.


The important point here is that the troposphere is not the layer of the atmosphere where the ozone layer resides.


Ozone in the stratosphere is mostly produced from ultraviolet rays reacting with oxygen:


The ozone layer is not a source of global warming. Lower level ozone pollution from industrial action is.

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