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Am I still allowed to question climate change?

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Do you know the difference between "tipping point" and "we're ****ed"?


Do you really want to take that chance? "I'm right" -v- species extermination. How clever are you eh?


Species extermination !!!



Come off it, don't be such a drama queen.



I'm not taking any chances, we'll not on what seems to pass for science in the political arena these days anyway.

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Is it me, or did Convert just undermine everything they've posted on this thread by acknowledging that there is a tipping point beyond which remedial measures cannot work?


Not at all old chap.


All I did was post a link to a BBC article giving some coverage to the other side of the debate; which is quite unusual for the beeb.



Looks like the warmists are losing public support.


What with Eon increasing Electric by 11% and Gas by 18% there's going to be a lot more people telling the government where to stick it's green taxes.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Interesting article @ Bishop Hill.



Bishop Hill Consumers' electricity bills

Aug 16, 2011

Climate: Parliament Energy Here's an odd thing. Some weeks back I noticed that Gregory Barker, the Climate Change minister, had met with representatives of the Electricity Retailers Association to discuss "information on consumers' bills".


To me this seemed rather odd - why would electricity retailers need to discuss the information on bills with ministers? Perhaps Mr Barker wanted to insist that some information was passed on to consumers?


An FOI request later, I discover that the meeting was at the request of ERA itself - it appears that they asked to speak to ministers about a number of issues - Fuel Poverty, the Green Deal, the Community Energy Saving Programme and the Carbon Emissions Reduction Target. Putting this together with DECC's record that "information on consumers' bills" was discussed, I conclude that ERA wanted to make the costs of these government programmes transparent.


Unfortunately, I can only infer this because according to DECC, no record was kept of the meeting.


So the energy companies might want us to all see what the green agenda is actually costing us on our utility bills... and the DECC didn't keep a record of the meeting... I wonder why.


Source http://www.bishop-hill.net/blog/2011/8/16/consumers-electricity-bills.html

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  • 3 weeks later...

Looks like Sky and the Telegraph are now reporting on the increase in household energy costs due to all this greenwash.










Even that left wing rag the Guardian is reporting it, however comment isn't free over there...




What a suprise.

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