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Am I still allowed to question climate change?

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From an article I read it was at about 4400ppm during the glaciation..more than 10 times the concentration we have now..



It wasn't the plants from the Ordivician period that were converted to fossil fuels...


Volcanic activity also injected CO2 into the atmosphere and killes flora both these events would increase CO2 ..yet we still had an icy world..



I may be wrong but as far as I know the earth has always tilted..that's why we get seasons...


None of what's been on this thread has convinced me of CO2 being the sole contributor to the very slight warming that was observed up to 10 or 12 years ago..it seems to have stopped at the moment..strange as we are still pumping out CO2 ..



The link above seems to be at odds with what you're saying:

Are these cycles just something scientists have invented to explain away the lack of recent warming?

No. The Met Office admits that we still know far too little about how these natural cycles work, and how big they are. And climate scientists are open to the charge that they ignored the potential impact of natural variability when it was accelerating global warming. According to Brian Hoskins of Imperial College London, it now looks like natural cycles played a big role in the unexpectedly fast warming of the 1990s.


Even so, the fundamental physics about how greenhouse gases trap heat in the atmosphere hasn't changed. And we know that, even as atmospheric warming stalls, the oceans are continuing to warm. That may could explain why Arctic sea ice melted so dramatically last summer, even though air temperatures were not exceptional.


So press reports that global warming is at a standstill are not true, even in the short term. Right now the oceans are taking up almost all the extra heat. That is most unlikely to persist.

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Artic sea ice is on the increase...


---------- Post added 22-03-2013 at 08:45 ----------




You're relying on a circular argument now, we're discussing whether a phenomenon actually exists, and part of your argument to support your position relies on the fact that it exists...

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Artic sea ice is on the increase...


That's a meaningless comment without some kind of timescale. In the last 20 minutes? 20 days? 200 years?


This paper suggests it is decreasing: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/grl.50193/abstract

Satellite records show a decline in ice extent over more than three decades, with a record minimum in September 2012. Results from the Pan-Arctic Ice-Ocean Modelling and Assimilation system (PIOMAS) suggest that the decline in extent has been accompanied by a decline in volume, but this has not been confirmed by data. Using new data from the European Space Agency CryoSat-2 (CS-2) mission, validated with in situ data, we generate estimates of ice volume for the winters of 2010/11 and 2011/12. We compare these data with current estimates from PIOMAS and earlier (2003 – 8) estimates from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration ICESat mission. Between the ICESat and CryoSat-2 periods, the autumn volume declined by 4291 km3 and the winter volume by 1479 km3. This exceeds the decline in ice volume in the central Arctic from the PIOMAS model of 2644 km3 in the autumn, but is less than the 2091 km3 in winter, between the two time periods.
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You're relying on a circular argument now, we're discussing whether a phenomenon actually exists, and part of your argument to support your position relies on the fact that it exists...


So are you, AGW exists and you rely on the circular argument that the climate as always changed. I'm waiting for you to say it’s snowing so how can it be getting warmer. :)

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So are you, AGW exists and you rely on the circular argument that the climate as always changed. I'm waiting for you to say it’s snowing so how can it be getting warmer. :)


Where's your irrefutable proof? Have you decided whether you want it colder or warmer yet..? which is best..?

Edited by truman
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