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Am I still allowed to question climate change?

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If the data is suspect, and worse, if the data is manipulated to deliberately support a pre chosen conclusion then no conclusion can be safely drawn.



Do you believe evidence/data about the cause of cancer/AIDS/HIV, the more sick that the doctors make us, their jobs depend on it. That is the type of argument used by climate sceptics and it does not hold up to scrutiny.

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Do you believe evidence/data about the cause of cancer/AIDS/HIV, the more sick that the doctors make us, their jobs depend on it. That is the type of argument used by climate sceptics and it does not hold up to scrutiny.


I'm not sure the warming "industry's" data holds up to scrutiny..Have you seen "An inconvenient truth"..and have you read Monckton's critique of it?

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I'm not sure the warming "industry's" data holds up to scrutiny..Have you seen "An inconvenient truth"..and have you read Monckton's critique of it?


No I havnt.


Monckton is on record as accepting that there is a greenhouse effect, and that CO2 contributes to it.

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Really? That's a big about face for him...do you have a link?



I should point out, that he is not a scientist, so just like other politicains that get into the media, he is just a biased rich bloke.

Do you really expect people that drive around in big cars, aeroplanes and own mansions to say they are the ones most at fault in destroying the planet?

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I should point out, that he is not a scientist, so just like other politicains that get into the media, he is just a biased rich bloke.

Do you really expect people that drive around in big cars, aeroplanes and own mansions to say they are the ones most at fault in destroying the planet?


I know who he is.. do you know who Al Gore is.. :) (clue: he's not poor) ..the video deosn't show him agreeing with man made GW....this is what he said recently at Doha "There has been no global warming for 16 years (actually 18 or 19 years, on closer examination),” .

now you've reverted to ad hominems rather than their messsage this bit of the debate will go nowhere..

Edited by truman
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Let's examine a claim made over a decade ago, by Dr David Viner of the CRU at the University of East Anglia.




"Snowfalls will become a very rare and exciting event. Our Children just aren't going to know what snow is"



An example of just how wrong these 'climate' scientists have been. (see also the hockey stick, YAD061, data cherry picking, Himalayen Glaciers, et all)


I'm yet to see one prediciton of theirs come true.


They have been thoroughly discredited as scientists, they constantly refuse to publish their raw data and methodolgies, so that their results can be independantly replicated.


Meanwhile, we have to subsidise (through our domestic energy bills) white elephant windmills and free solar power for those in large houses.


I'm all for conserving resources, and not polluting the planet, but this green bull**** has got to stop.

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I didnt say he believed in AGW


Did you see my edit above..? Regarding Doha?


---------- Post added 22-03-2013 at 11:37 ----------




I dont like posting information from non-science sites, but its a very good graph that will educate many sceptics.


The world didn't start 150 years ago...try the medieval warm period..much like today but no chance of AGW......

Edited by truman
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