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Am I still allowed to question climate change?

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Less land for farming, plants, insects, and other life forms failing to adapt to the higher temperatures as zero to do with sea level rises, they are more important issues. Warming expands deserts, and many of the life forms that we depend on aren’t as adaptable as humans to changes in the environment.

Deserts are a feature of (mostly) a lack of heat next to a hor zone.


When the climate was significantly warmer in the early to mid bronze age the Sahara was a land of grass and woodland. When the world was cooler the world was also much drier. Humanity almost died out.


Can you site any peer reviewed scientific papers which support the view that a warmer world will be a drier one?

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The world didn't start 150 years ago...try the medieval warm period..much like today but no chance of AGW......


I wasnt refering to 150 years ago; I was refering to there being no warming in the past 15+ years, when in fact 2010 was the warmest year on record.

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I wasnt refering to 150 years ago; I was refering to there being no warming in the past 15+ years, when in fact 2010 was the warmest year on record.


...there are three sets of data there and none agree..don't you think that the length of time that the records are from is important in trying to prove AGW?

Edited by truman
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...there are three sets of data there and none agree..


They all agree its getting warmer ;) They are the three main worldwide climate monitoring organisations. I believe that I saw a Japanese site listed the orther day

Edited by El Cid
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So when it suits you, you believe the older data?


I'm comparing the data that's produced for today's climate with that produced for the historical climate.. not cherry picking a few years' worth ..if both are true then it's no warmer now than it was in about 1100 AD..if both are wrong then who knows...what about you..?do you believe the temperature was the same then as now? If so is it part of a natural cycle..if it isn't then where is the evidence?

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If so is it part of a natural cycle..


We do know that the sun can cause our climate to get warmer and cooler, volcaoes can erupt and cool the planet, co2 and other greenhouse gases warm the planet, the movement of the earths orbit, and many more things; just saying "a natural cycle" is nonsense.

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We do know that the sun can cause our climate to get warmer and cooler, volcaoes can erupt and cool the planet, co2 and other greenhouse gases warm the planet, the movement of the earths orbit, and many more things; just saying "a natural cycle" is nonsense.


I'm not sure where your going with this..are you saying natural cycles don't exist?

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