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Am I still allowed to question climate change?

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I see in the Guardian today James Hansen is now predicting sea level rises of 'tens of metres'.


Hype isn't the word for it, more like blatant scare-mongering.




"James Hansen, the world's pre-eminent climate scientist"


But clearly Greybeard from the internets knows better.

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This should be of interest to those following this issue - whatever their views.


It's being recorded and posted (not streamed though I think) on the net - not got a URL yet though.


I would have liked to have gone to that. If you get the URL for the recording please make sure you post it. Cheers

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I agree re the other problems we face, and that they should be addressed.


That's what makes me mad re the amount of focus on man made CO2. The money and effort being expended into greenwashing us on this subject could be much better spent looking into alternate energy production, and re-forestation projects.


From the data I've seen so far it appears that the science on MMGW is far from settled, but like you I agree that we will reach peak oil, and that we should stop ripping the lungs of the planet out.


There is no doubt the climate is changing; it always has and will always continue to do so.


Those that think we can control it are deluded IMHO, we should concentrate our resources on dealing with the consequences of what is primarily a natural phenomenon, rather than trying to artificially limit it.


fair do's :D

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I see in the Guardian today James Hansen is now predicting sea level rises of 'tens of metres'.


Hype isn't the word for it, more like blatant scare-mongering.




Hardly a prediction. Here is the excerpt in full.


For all Hansen's pessimism, he insists there is still hope. "It may be that we have already committed to a future sea level rise of a metre or even more but that doesn't mean that you give up.


"Because if you give up you could be talking about tens of metres. So I find it screwy that people say you passed a tipping point so it's too late. In that case what are you thinking: that we are going to abandon the planet? You want to minimise the damage."

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Looks like the independant review might have a chance.





Sir Muir Russell has been appointed to chair the investigation.


A former Civil Servant, with a degree in Physics from Glasgow.



So he should be used to red tape, and have a decent background in the Scientific method.


All that needs to happen now, is for him to be given a broad enough remit to actually get to the bottom of this.

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Looks like the independant review might have a chance.





Sir Muir Russell has been appointed to chair the investigation.


A former Civil Servant, with a degree in Physics from Glasgow.



So he should be used to red tape, and have a decent background in the Scientific method.


All that needs to happen now, is for him to be given a broad enough remit to actually get to the bottom of this.


This is a cracking easy to read paper blowing great holes in the CO2 claim....




a MUST read for anyone intrested in climate change

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fair do's :D


Perhaps Peak oil is not as close as we think...





Potentially 60 Billion barrels in the area...


Considering the world's biggest oilfield is Ghawar in Saudi Arabia, is thought to contain 80 billion barrels. The largest oilfield in the North Sea is Forties, which has five billion barrels.




Fire up the Quattro :D

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