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Am I still allowed to question climate change?

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The fact that they have failed to consider one factor and their hypothesis has failed means that we don't know how many other factors have been ignored and we are unable to draw any conclusion except that their hypothesis at the moment is wrong.


There is no possible conclusion that a) global warming is happening or that b) human activity is driving it.


a)Global warming as happened.

b)Human activity caused it.


Just because it isn't as bad as predicted, doesn't change the fact it happened.


Earth should have been cooling and it isn't cooling because of human activity.

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a)Global warming as happened.

b)Human activity caused it.


Just because it isn't as bad as predicted, doesn't change the fact it happened.


Earth should have been cooling and it isn't cooling because of human activity.


Just because you say it has happened, and that we caused it doesn't change the fact that it hasn't been proven, that the models have proved inaccurate, and that the science is far from settled.

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Just because you say it has happened, and that we caused it doesn't change the fact that it hasn't been proven, that the models have proved inaccurate, and that the science is far from settled.


It is a proven fact that the earth as warmed, it is a proven fact that human activities contributed to that warming, there is near zero scientific disagreement on these facts.


Climate Scientists Overwhelmingly Agree Global Warming Is Real and Our Fault

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It is a proven fact that the earth as warmed, it is a proven fact that human activities contributed to that warming, there is near zero scientific disagreement on these facts.


Climate Scientists Overwhelmingly Agree Global Warming Is Real and Our Fault


There has been no statistically significant warming since 1995, according to prominent climate scientist Phil Jones of the CRU @ the UEA.


If you have proof of human activity causing global warming then please post it.

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Just because you say it has happened, and that we caused it doesn't change the fact that it hasn't been proven, that the models have proved inaccurate, and that the science is far from settled.


There isnt any science saying that something other than mankind has caused it.

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There has been no statistically significant warming since 1995, according to prominent climate scientist Phil Jones of the CRU @ the UEA.


If you have proof of human activity causing global warming then please post it.


Whoopi doo, global warming is long term trend and looking at the figure over just 18 years is meaningless, one point though, over that 18 year period the climate should have cooled, any idea why it didn't?


March 7, 2013

Global temperatures are warmer than at any time in at least 4,000 years, scientists reported Thursday, and over the coming decades are likely to surpass levels not seen on the planet since before the last ice age.


Note that the 10 warmest years on record all occurred since 1998.

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There isnt any science saying that something other than mankind has caused it.


Sorry, but what is your point?


Bit of a null hypothesis there.



The onus is on the scientists to prove that the warming is anything other than natural, and to show the mechanisms by which the planet has (statistically insignificantly) warmed.


They have constantly been shown, by their own models versus actual recorded data, to have been 'over egging' the pudding.


---------- Post added 05-06-2013 at 08:15 ----------


Whoopi doo, global warming is long term trend and looking at the figure over just 18 years is meaningless, one point though, over that 18 year period the climate should have cooled, any idea why it didn't?


March 7, 2013

Global temperatures are warmer than at any time in at least 4,000 years, scientists reported Thursday, and over the coming decades are likely to surpass levels not seen on the planet since before the last ice age.


Note that the 10 warmest years on record all occurred since 1998.


So you don't like an 18 year trend, why then pick a subset of data that is just 4000 years old?


Did any of the models, or climate scientists predict cooling over that 18 year period?


No. So why then should we believe anything they say?


As for your last point, could you state when the record began?

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Sorry, but what is your point?


Bit of a null hypothesis there.



The onus is on the scientists to prove that the warming is anything other than natural, and to show the mechanisms by which the planet has (statistically insignificantly) warmed.


They have constantly been shown, by their own models versus actual recorded data, to have been 'over egging' the pudding.


---------- Post added 05-06-2013 at 08:15 ----------



So you don't like an 18 year trend, why then pick a subset of data that is just 4000 years old?


Did any of the models, or climate scientists predict cooling over that 18 year period?


No. So why then should we believe anything they say?


As for your last point, could you state when the record began?


It’s not about not liking an 18 year trend, it just not long enough to gain any meaningful data, but during the past 18 years the climate as been warmer than any time in the past 4000 years and over the past 150 years since the industrial revaluation the planet as warmer faster and by a bigger margin than any other period in at least the past 11000 years.

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It’s not about not liking an 18 year trend, it just not long enough to gain any meaningful data, but during the past 18 years the climate as been warmer than any time in the past 4000 years and over the past 150 years since the industrial revaluation the planet as warmer faster and by a bigger margin than any other period in at least the past 11000 years.


4,000 years..11,000 years...blinks of an eye in the life of a planet.. there's been so much fudging about the data for anthropogenic causes that I find it difficult to take any of it seriously.. the fact they they missed this latest period of non warming only adds to my doubt...

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