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Am I still allowed to question climate change?

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4,000 years..11,000 years...blinks of an eye in the life of a planet.. there's been so much fudging about the data for anthropogenic causes that I find it difficult to take any of it seriously.. the fact they they missed this latest period of non warming only adds to my doubt...


The only thing that I find bewildering is that a punch of scientists can fail to take the sun into consideration when trying to predict climate change.

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The only thing that I find bewildering is that a punch of scientists can fail to take the sun into consideration when trying to predict climate change.


Don't you find it bewildering that if the proof is so concrete they had to fiddle the data? Oh look ..here's another theory..




Is this more, or less likely to be correct than the CO2 one?

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Don't you find it bewildering that if the proof is so concrete they had to fiddle the data? Oh look ..here's another theory..




Is this more, or less likely to be correct than the CO2 one?


We aren't talking about CO2 being the only contributor to climate change, or that human activity is the only cause of climate change, but human activity as contributed to climate change and global warming, your link is just another small piece of evidence to support that fact.

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We aren't talking about CO2 being the only contributor to climate change, or that human activity is the only cause of climate change, but human activity as contributed to climate change and global warming, your link is just another small piece of evidence to support that fact.


Maybe you need to give this info to the people responsible for raising green taxes then.. they're only interested in being able to tax our fossil fuel usage..

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It’s not about not liking an 18 year trend, it just not long enough to gain any meaningful data, but during the past 18 years the climate as been warmer than any time in the past 4000 years and over the past 150 years since the industrial revaluation the planet as warmer faster and by a bigger margin than any other period in at least the past 11000 years.


Would you care to answer my questions , or are you just going to continue making unsubstantiated assertations?


Please provide links to peer reviewed paper to support your position.


Remember you are making the assertation that the planet has warmed due to human activity. Please provide links to support your claims.

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Maybe you need to give this info to the people responsible for raising green taxes then.. they're only interested in being able to tax our fossil fuel usage..


And fuel tax on vehicles is at 70%, yet heating/domestic fuel is taxed at 5%, even less than VAT.

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Would you care to answer my questions , or are you just going to continue making unsubstantiated assertations?


Please provide links to peer reviewed paper to support your position.


Remember you are making the assertation that the planet has warmed due to human activity. Please provide links to support your claims.


There are many many links provided by myself and others on the 161 pages that make up this topic.


Fact, the planet is warmer now than it was before the industrial revaluation.

Fact, it as warmed faster in the past 150 years than at any other time.

Fact, higher concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere trap more heat.

Fact, human activity as increased the amount of CO2 along with many other gasses in the atmosphere.

Fact, scientists don't know everything there is to know about our climate, but that doesn't negate the fact the out planet is warmer as a consequence of human activity.

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Fact, higher concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere trap more heat.


Hiya Smithy. I may have asked you this before, or it could have been someone else. I didn't get an answer though:


Is this relationship linear or does there come a point where more CO2 has less of an effect or no effect?

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There are many many links provided by myself and others on the 161 pages that make up this topic.


Fact, the planet is warmer now than it was before the industrial revaluation.

Fact, it as warmed faster in the past 150 years than at any other time.

Fact, higher concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere trap more heat.

Fact, human activity as increased the amount of CO2 along with many other gasses in the atmosphere.

Fact, scientists don't know everything there is to know about our climate, but that doesn't negate the fact the out planet is warmer as a consequence of human activity.


So that's just more assertations then.

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There are many many links provided by myself and others on the 161 pages that make up this topic.


Fact, the planet is warmer now than it was before the industrial revaluation.

Fact, it as warmed faster in the past 150 years than at any other time.

Fact, higher concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere trap more heat.

Fact, human activity as increased the amount of CO2 along with many other gasses in the atmosphere.

Fact, scientists don't know everything there is to know about our climate, but that doesn't negate the fact the out planet is warmer as a consequence of human activity.


If all this is so obvious why do you think the University of East Anglia felt they had to resort to fudging things?

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