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Am I still allowed to question climate change?

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Why do you keep ignoring the observable facts?


The facts are that there has been verry little warmer in the past 15 years, but yet the sea levels are still rising.


So perhaps, if the ice is melting - to make the sea levels rise. So 15 years is too short a time scale to say that the climate change has stopped.

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There is no reason to not consider sea ice when considering the total volume of ice.


It hasn't warmed in 10 to 15 years now, how can you keep stating that it's warming. The figures that actually show the warming are rather suspect anyway, fudge factors, weather stations situated in urban heat islands, cherry picked data, etc...


We can't predict with 100%, 50% or even 25% certainty. So to summarise, we simply can't predict.


'Smarter' people than me. Is that the best you've got. You admit that we can't predict what the climate is doing, but you somehow think we've managed to predict what it 'should' be doing, despite not understanding how it works.


What we can witness is a lack of global warming at the moment, sea level rises that appear to be in line with the long term trends, etc...


What facts do you think I'm ignoring? And why did you answer my question with one of your own? Can you not answer this?


Why do you continue to ignore the fact that we clearly don't understand the system and are incapable of saying what it has, will and might do.


I just answered all you points with a rather long post even though all your points had already been answered numerous times, sadly the post as disappeared for reason, so for now we will just have to agree to disagree.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Good job we're sat on all this shale gas, it might come in handy if we have another ice age, at least we'll have something to cook our polar bear steaks on.


The Conservatives answer to climate change is failing; and there are legally binding targets. Will Cameron go to jail?




We might need to eat the polar bears ourselves, if the decline in small insects does not stop. For mass production our farmers need bees.



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In what way are they legally binding, do you mean international treaties? There is no possibility of an individual being prosecuted or punished for the failure of a state to honour a treaty obligation.


Those were the words used "legally binding" when the bill was passed in Westminster.

I would like to know if they mean anything in reallity too.

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The Conservatives answer to climate change is failing; and there are legally binding targets. Will Cameron go to jail?




We might need to eat the polar bears ourselves, if the decline in small insects does not stop. For mass production our farmers need bees.






Is Monsanto killing our bees?


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Those were the words used "legally binding" when the bill was passed in Westminster.

I would like to know if they mean anything in reallity too.


Binding on the government I expect, the Prime Minister is an office as well as a person, they are legally bound to do lots of things, but a failure wouldn't generally result in prosecution of the individual.

There are of course things that they could do that would actually be criminal, but I doubt that failing to hit a self set target is one of them.


---------- Post added 30-06-2013 at 10:24 ----------



Are we in Australia?

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There are of course things that they could do that would actually be criminal, but I doubt that failing to hit a self set target is one of them.


It is not a self set target; but one set by the last Government. They made it leggally binding because politicians cannot be trusted.

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