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Am I still allowed to question climate change?

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Another subject I was laughed at about years ago when I said the whole thing was a hoax to tax you on carbon:loopy:


The very thing you breath out you are getting taxed on, understand?


Massive scam, I gave up trying to tell people this many, many years ago when all they could do was regurgitate what they were being told like a parrot from the main urinestream media.

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Another subject I was laughed at about years ago when I said the whole thing was a hoax to tax you on carbon:loopy:


The very thing you breath out you are getting taxed on, understand?


Massive scam, I gave up trying to tell people this many, many years ago when all they could do was regurgitate what they were being told like a parrot from the main urinestream media.


So how much were we taxed 15 years ago, and how much are we taxed now, due to climate change.

I would guess that taxes raised have changed very little. The VAST MAJORITY of our taxes is raised on VAT and income tax, nothing to do with carbon at all.

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There are many costs associated with 'green' initiatives, most of these costs end up being born by the consumer, so it may not be a tax, but the next time you pay your electricity bill (and you won't be telling me that these haven't risen massively in the last 15 years) have a think about how much of it is down to the subsidised wind farms. Building wind power costs the consumer money!


---------- Post added 16-09-2013 at 07:21 ----------


The one thing all the models got right is that the earth will warm up, they said In 1989, that global warming would raise average annual temperatures nationwide 2 degrees by 2010.’


But according to NASA global temperature has increased by less than half that -- about 0.7 degrees Fahrenheit -- from 1989 to 2010.


Which is good news, its means we have more time than we thought to solve the problem.


The paper in no way diminishes the extensive body of observations that global warming is happening and that it is largely due to human activity,


Global surface temperature is still rising ... 2012 was in the top ten warmest years on record. The period 2001-2010 was the warmest on record since instrumental measurements began,’


The models don't in any way actually validate that observed climate change is down to human behaviour.


On record is an incredibly short snapshot of the planetary history you realise, so short as to be practically useless.

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There are many costs associated with 'green' initiatives, most of these costs end up being born by the consumer, so it may not be a tax, but the next time you pay your electricity bill (and you won't be telling me that these haven't risen massively in the last 15 years) have a think about how much of it is down to the subsidised wind farms. Building wind power costs the consumer money!


Still waiting for someone to answer the question; I am sure there are some extra costs to make our air cleaner, not just climate change.

London and other cities have once again missed clean air legal limits, so we need the more expensive gas and electric vehicles.


For the benefit of our own health.

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The models don't in any way actually validate that observed climate change is down to human behaviour.


On record is an incredibly short snapshot of the planetary history you realise, so short as to be practically useless.


We know that some of our activities could cause the climate to warm up.

We know the climate has warmed up.

We don't have an alternative explanation for why the planet as warmed up.


Therefor its reasonable to conclude that the warming is caused by human activity.


Its also reasonable to continue looking for another explanation whilst doing our best cut down on the human activities that could be causing global warming.


It is unreasonable to conclude that because we don't know everything we should bury our heads in the sand until we do.

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So how much were we taxed 15 years ago, and how much are we taxed now, due to climate change.

I would guess that taxes raised have changed very little. The VAST MAJORITY of our taxes is raised on VAT and income tax, nothing to do with carbon at all.



"Green charges, which are used to fund wind and hydropower projects, and VAT currently make up 11pc of gas bills, or £91 of an average £830 statement. They account for 16pc of electricity charges, equivalent to £100 of the £630 average bill."


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"Green charges, which are used to fund wind and hydropower projects, and VAT currently make up 11pc of gas bills, or £91 of an average £830 statement. They account for 16pc of electricity charges, equivalent to £100 of the £630 average bill."



the VAT rate on domestic fuel is charged at 5%, so how can it "make up 11pc of gas bills"?


See the bit in bold....the word "and" is a bit of a clue... :)

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