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Am I still allowed to question climate change?

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No I'm not...is that 70% specifically a "green" charge?


Green taxes go hand in hand with having clean air, our children are much more likely to suffer from Asthma these days.

Our children(and the adults too) are not getting enough exercise, we are all, on average, getting fatter.


The Government should lower income tax, and make up the lost revenue by taxing things that are bad for us.

Edited by El Cid
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An interesting amount of volcanic dust in the last couple of years or so, has obviously helped to have a cooling effect, but despite this China and other start sailing in summer through the North West Passage, the start of a new summer trade route.


2010 small eruption of Eyjafjallajökull in Iceland, caused enormous disruption to air travel across




The 2011 Nabro eruption of Eritrea, emitted the highest levels of sulfur dioxide (SO2) ever observed from Earth's orbit.The ash cloud from the eruption reached altitudes which disrupted airline traffic in the region..

Iceland's most active volcano, Grimsvotn, started erupting again.



2012 Guatemala Fuego volcano eruptions were catapulting burning rocks as high as 1,000m (3,280ft) above the crater.

Chinandega, Nicaragua, shot gas and ash 2 1/2 miles into the sky.

Mount Lokon of Indonesia spewed ash 1,500 meters into the air.

2013 Veniaminof Volcano, on the Alaska Peninsula erupted, sending clouds of ash more than 3 miles (4.8 km) into the sky.

Mount Sakurajima, Japan sent a mushroom cloud 5 kilometres up above Kagoshima, showering the city with ash.


So let us get a bigger picture of what is happening in the mix, and maybe the orientation of discussion should be how do we get round this problem, and not playing a blame and denial game??????

Edited by erebus
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Don't worry folks, the EU have it all under control.


They're not bothered that the science isn't settled, they're just going to blindly carry on with the eco tax and subsidy regime.




Now just remind me, where does Connie Hedegaard come from (Denmark), and where is the largest wind turbine (Vestas) manufacturer based?


Yes you guessed it, Denmark...


Did I hear someone mutter vested interest and big wind...



Time to buy candles, a generator and shares in Damart folks.

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We know that some of our activities could cause the climate to warm up.

We know the climate has warmed up.

We don't have an alternative explanation for why the planet as warmed up.

Err, yes we do. When we've started investigating we've discovered that the climate has constantly changed and has been warming for the past 10 thousand years!


Therefor its reasonable to conclude that the warming is caused by human activity.

Only if you pretend that there is no possible explanation for warming that isn't anthropogenic.


Its also reasonable to continue looking for another explanation whilst doing our best cut down on the human activities that could be causing global warming.

Not at the expense involved.


It is unreasonable to conclude that because we don't know everything we should bury our heads in the sand until we do.

You can't fix a problem that you a) aren't sure exists and b) if it does, you don't understand.

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