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Am I still allowed to question climate change?

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When deciding on what to think about climate change, I compare the likely value of the evidence being presented by the IPCC from over 200 leading experts across dozens of countries who think there's a 95% chance that global warming is man made, against the rantings of a few conspiracy theorists, and ostrich like petrol heads who swallow the guff churned out by the fossil fuel industry.


oop controversial

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When deciding on what to think about climate change, I compare the likely value of the evidence being presented by the IPCC from over 200 leading experts across dozens of countries who think there's a 95% chance that global warming is man made, against the rantings of a few conspiracy theorists, and ostrich like petrol heads who swallow the guff churned out by the fossil fuel industry.


That sounds reasonable to me, but for me that isn't even necessary, because I would find it impossible to believe that 7 billion people living out of harmony with the rest of the world, cutting down forests, polluting the air and oceans and burning the fossil fuels that of been locked away for millions of years, aren't having an adverse affect on our claimant.

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When deciding on what to think about climate change, I compare the likely value of the evidence being presented by the IPCC from over 200 leading experts across dozens of countries who think there's a 95% chance that global warming is man made, against the rantings of a few conspiracy theorists, and ostrich like petrol heads who swallow the guff churned out by the fossil fuel industry.


If you want to do a numbers game have a google for "Oregon Petition" Also ask yourself how the 200 you mention get their funding?

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