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Am I still allowed to question climate change?

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Green Polices already cause our energy bills to be 15% higher, and this isn't a problem?


You think that wind farmers being paid NOT to generate electricity isn't ridiculous ???


Vehicle fuel has been taxed at between 50-70% for many years, it was taxed at that rate long before clamate change came into fashion, so 15% is peanuts.

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Vehicle fuel has been taxed at between 50-70% for many years, it was taxed at that rate long before clamate change came into fashion, so 15% is peanuts.


Tell that to pensioners and those on low incomes that won't be able to heat their homes this winter.

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Tell that to pensioners and those on low incomes that won't be able to heat their homes this winter.


In fact, the government forecasts that energy bills will be £166 a year lower than they would otherwise have been as a result of its intervention, due to the monetary savings for households (although bills themselves will still be higher overall).



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Very poor article, I will read it in full later. Green policies are less than 15% of our energy bills. Some of it goes to pay for insulation; how does that compare with the corn laws?


Mogg is making polemical analogies, we all know (most of us) that the comparison is designed to be provocative in the first instance, and not able to withstand further scrutiny.


Only when the British government refuses to import cheap French electricity in order to artificially raise revenues from domestic energy production and fuel taxes, and people begin to freeze to death in their homes, will the comparison be valid.


But Mogg isn't trying to convince the greens to realise the error of their ways here, he's fondly stroking the readership's prejudices into semi-tumescence.


Which is always popular with Maily Telegraph readers, as it's the most excitement they get.

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Very poor article, I will read it in full later. Green policies are less than 15% of our energy bills. Some of it goes to pay for insulation; how does that compare with the corn laws?


So everyone gets on their high horses re utility companies raising prices by 10% (ish), yet you admit that Green Polices already cause our energy bills to be 15% higher, and this isn't a problem?


A. Assume bill of £100.

B. Assume that these items are 15% of bill.

C. So bill is now £85 + the £15.

D. So they make the £85 bill more than 15% higher. 15/85 = 17.64%.

Just saying...

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It's long past time to stop talking about trivia & get a sense of proportion! The question is NOT about whether a few people might die this winter because of energy costs. THE question is WILL THE HUMAN SPECIES STILL EXIST AFTER THE END OF THIS CENTURY ?!

The chances are that a few mating pairs may survive, but @ this rate of VERY slow progress, it's VERY likely that we're looking @ the end of our civilisation ! ! !

So, go & read






Lovelock is THE acknowledged expert on this topic & Martin Rees, being The astronomer Royal & President of the Royal society is no slouch either!

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So glaciers melting globally, the Arctic now allowing shipping through the North West Passage in Summer suggests a new Ice Age does it?


So sod the evidence, lets start burning coal for electricity again, burn more energy as who cares if one can afford it.


Who benefits from such a train of thought apart from the monkeys that keep questioning the blindingly obvious. Sling enough Sh****t and some is bound to stick, was the cry of the tobacco industry for many decades, and now we have the ill informed, regurgitating other people's OPINIONS as they lack the initiative to have any of their own.

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