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Am I still allowed to question climate change?

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I am fed up of all the global warming hysteria.We naively believe that the human race has every right to exist.The human race could be wiped out at any time in the future.Possibly due to a virus we cannot treat or a massive asteroid hitting the planet which will wipe us all out.There is absolutely nothing we can do about it either and the sun will eventually supernova and consume planet earth anyway and that is 100 percent a scientific certainty.We are getting ripped off everyday with our energy bills to try and combat so called global warming while the landowners and wind turbine companies make a fortune at our expense.It is looking likely that in the future we are going to experience power blackouts all the time,that is really something to look forward too as we start to rely on unpredictable and inefficient power whilst closing power plants by order of the EU.The problem is that the original theory has been hijacked by politicians for political gain and to make money out of us.That was the reason the man who started Greenpeace quit because his organisation had been hijacked by political activists for their own idealism,his own words.I feel better for getting that off my chest.

Edited by ghost rider
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