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Am I still allowed to question climate change?

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I don't think it's hard to know who to trust. There's overwhelming evidence that global warming is being accelerated by humans. Those who deny it have their own agendas.


That evil little wrinkled old prune Rupert Murdoch is a prime example.

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The scientific consensus is firmly behind climate change, so it is a safe bet to follow this consensus. I do question the motives behind the organisations that fight to deny it, and have wondered if the petrochemical industry has a hand in funding some their campaigns.

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The scientific consensus is firmly behind climate change, so it is a safe bet to follow this consensus. I do question the motives behind the organisations that fight to deny it, and have wondered if the petrochemical industry has a hand in funding some their campaigns.


It's pretty obvious why Murdoch denies it, he owns part of Genie Energy.

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The scientific consensus is firmly behind climate change, so it is a safe bet to follow this consensus. I do question the motives behind the organisations that fight to deny it, and have wondered if the petrochemical industry has a hand in funding some their campaigns.


Could you explain why the CRU at East Anglia felt the need to fidle things? Genuine question..remember the emails?

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Anybody still denying that the world is not warming up is a Luddite. The problem with this debate is whether it is man-made or not, I don't really care to be honest, this is an irreversible trend now and it is going to cause mayhem (for future generations?).

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It's not irreversible at all, we're still "late" for the start of the next ice-age...


And it's been far warmer in the past and subsequently cooled, so the idea that we've passed some sort of irreversible tipping point isn't supported by the historical evidence.

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Anybody still denying that the world is not warming up is a Luddite. The problem with this debate is whether it is man-made or not, I don't really care to be honest, this is an irreversible trend now and it is going to cause mayhem (for future generations?).


Over what time period? For ever?

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