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Am I still allowed to question climate change?

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A question for the deniers.


Redcent events have shown how vulnerable we are to the weather.


Suppose a Cockermouth happened every week?


What, in your estimation, are the chances?


Genuine question, what in your view is the chance that disrupted weather patterns increase in severity and ocean levels rise?


What would it be, one in twenty, one in ten?


What do you think the chances are, and would you board an aircraft that had a one in twenty chance of crashing?

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There has never before been the rise in temperatures recorded in the last century.


The impact... perhaps the creation of 10s of millions of climate change migrants, due to the loss of low lieing areas is not so bad.


I am sure we can take a few million bangladeshi immigrants and we will be all the better for it.


but has been recorded MANY times in the past.


A few example of previous climate take from the paper referenced earlier


 1. About 15,000 yrs ago, a sudden, intense, climatic warming (~12° C; ~21° F) caused dramatic melting of

large Ice Age ice sheets that covered Canada and the northern U.S., all of Scandinavia, and much of northern

Europe and Russia. Sea level that had been 120 m (~400 ft) lower than present rose quickly and submerged

large areas than had been dry land during the Ice Age.

 2. A few centuries later, temperatures again plummeted (~11° ; ~20° F) and glaciers advanced.

 3. About 14,000 years ago, global temperatures rose rapidly (~4.5°C; ~8° F) once again and glaciers


 4. About 13,400 years ago, global temperatures plunged again (~8°C; ~14° F) and glaciers advanced.

 5. About 13,200 years ago, global temperatures increased rapidly (~5°C; ~9° F) and glaciers receded.

 6. 12,700 yrs ago global temperatures plunged sharply (~8°C; ~14° F) and a 1000 year period of glacial

readvance, the Younger Dryas, began.

 7. 11,500 yrs ago, global temperatures rose sharply (~12° C; ~21° F), marking the end of the Younger

Dryas cold period and the end of the Pleistocene Ice Age.


All documented examples of extream climate change without any nasty humans about.


a rise of .2 - 1 degree which is what were talking about is meaningless when compared to the historical record.


I don't think there were any nasty 4x4's around 15000 years ago.

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I'm ignoring your blatent trolling on this thread and not answering.


Excuse me!


The discovery of an altered email appears to have convinced you the entire global warming theory is diminished.


I'm asking to what degree.


What is your view on the likely impact of warming emissions?

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A question for the deniers.


Redcent events have shown how vulnerable we are to the weather.


Suppose a Cockermouth happened every week?


What, in your estimation, are the chances?


Genuine question, what in your view is the chance that disrupted weather patterns increase in severity and ocean levels rise?


What would it be, one in twenty, one in ten?


What do you think the chances are, and would you board an aircraft that had a one in twenty chance of crashing?


Nobody is arguing that we aren't affected by weather.

What we are arguing is that AGW does not exist, or at least is unproven and highly speculative. Large temperature variations exist in historical records and the models for climate change appear to be extremely inaccurate.

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Nobody is arguing that we aren't affected by weather.

What we are arguing is that AGW does not exist, or at least is unproven and highly speculative. Large temperature variations exist in historical records and the models for climate change appear to be extremely inaccurate.



AGW doesn't exist at all?


There is no chance at all, according to you, that man-made emissions are changing the weather?


You must have missed the question the first time, what are your qualifications to make you claim you know better than NASA, the Met Office, The Royal Society and a bastion of climate experts?


Why so shy to tell us what your expertise is?


(Apart from copying and pasting dubious chunks of text fromn corrupt sources!



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