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Am I still allowed to question climate change?

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No, it's difficult for one side to get at the facts, when the other does everything it can to hide and manipulate the raw data to suit it's own agenda.


Just one side tells lies, lol, that is not how people behave, all bend the truth to suit their own ends.

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Just one side tells lies, lol, that is not how people behave, all bend the truth to suit their own ends.


You see, that's the problem. These climate 'scientists' refuse to publish their raw data.


They are the ones with the grants to perform the research.



They do not follow the accepted scientific method, therefore all their work comes into question ?



However they keep telling us that the science is settled...

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You see, that's the problem. These climate 'scientists' refuse to publish their raw data.



Wouldnt that be hundreds/thousands of temperature readings every day/week/month; what would you do with those.


The climate scientists are not the ones taking the readings, that will be some jobsworth on a average wage. I dont see your logic as making sense.


Readings from satellites, and the mathematically adjusted for the tides, El Niño, Arctic oscillation and La Niña; how is anyone other than an climate expert going to make sense of them?

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Wouldnt that be hundreds/thousands of temperature readings every day/week/month; what would you do with those.


The climate scientists are not the ones taking the readings, that will be some jobsworth on a average wage. I dont see your logic as making sense.


Readings from satellites, and the mathematically adjusted for the tides, El Niño, Arctic oscillation and La Niña; how is anyone other than an climate expert going to make sense of them?


Any computer scientists or somebody with similar training could generate a range plots of global temperature against time if they were granted access to the raw data.


I myself have dealt with data sets far larger. It's not even a challenge these days.

Edited by unbeliever
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Wouldnt that be hundreds/thousands of temperature readings every day/week/month; what would you do with those.



Well, I wouldn't adjust them to fit my agenda, as the climate scientists have been shown to do.


As unbeliever says, any scientist with a laptop, and a recent version of Excel (other spreadsheets etc, etc) would be able to produce a plot, and by using some simple linear regression analysis fill some of the voids.


If you look at one of my earlier posts you'll see how these so called scientists adjust their data, current data tends to be adjusted upwards, historic data downwards:- all to fabricate the warming trend.

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Well, I wouldn't adjust them to fit my agenda, as the climate scientists have been shown to do.



Wouldnt a scientist with data showing there is no such thing as climate change be rich if they can sell it to the press, for millions.

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Wouldnt a scientist with data showing there is no such thing as climate change be rich if they can sell it to the press, for millions.


No. They'd be attacked from all sides by the almighty consensus, accused of being in the pay of big oil and hounded out of the academic community.


Anyway, it's not a matter of proving it absolutely one way or the other. We want an honest assessment of the uncertainties.

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