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Am I still allowed to question climate change?

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I'm sorry but the debate on AGW is effectively closed as to the source of it already. It'll take some stunning evidence to prove it's false at this point, all that most people are looking at is the magnitude of it.


Of course the debate is closed.


Those that cannot believe in climate change dont have an alternative.


We believe the temperatures are rising, the effect of that are melting ice and rising sea levels.


We do not hear of alternative causes, it is not the Sun, it is not Moon; the only suspected cause of this warming is the greenhouse effect. People try to play the man instead of the ball.


Its always been clear that the earth continued to warm, because the sea level continued to rise.

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climate change is happening but what is not so clear, how much or any is down to mankind or is it cyclical as it's always been?


Is that unclear? The fact that the warming is anthropogenic is pretty much proven is it not?


There is no natural cycle that the current warming would fit into, so not only is the science behind the warming proven, but there is no reasonable alternative.

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Is that unclear? The fact that the warming is anthropogenic is pretty much proven is it not?


There is no natural cycle that the current warming would fit into, so not only is the science behind the warming proven, but there is no reasonable alternative.


I understand a big spike occured with the industrial revolution (saw it on natgeo) and it's still going. Coincidence?

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Is that unclear? The fact that the warming is anthropogenic is pretty much proven is it not?


There is no natural cycle that the current warming would fit into, so not only is the science behind the warming proven, but there is no reasonable alternative.


That doesn't preclude a non-anthropogenic component.

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