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Am I still allowed to question climate change?

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Sunspot activity has more to do with climate change than emissions of Carbon Dioxide or any other gases. Currently the amount of sunspot activity is nil. Have a look at this link: http://www.oneminuteastronomer.com/2009/09/24/sunspots-global-warming/


Climate change is happening all the time and has done so for thousands of years. We have had Ice Ages, periods of very warm weather and mini Ice Ages when the Thames has frozen over. The earths weather is a very complex thing and computer simulations of what is happening are very dodgy. The politicians of all parties are being misled, or maybe using climate change for increasing taxes. All the carbon capture or reducing Carbon Dioxide isn't going to make one iota of difference to climate change.

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Climate change is happening all the time and has done so for thousands of years. We have had Ice Ages, periods of very warm weather and mini Ice Ages when the Thames has frozen over. The earths weather is a very complex thing and computer simulations of what is happening are very dodgy. The politicians of all parties are being misled, or maybe using climate change for increasing taxes. All the carbon capture or reducing Carbon Dioxide isn't going to make one iota of difference to climate change.


I was saying that 2 years ago, all we have to do now is convert the gullible.

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We are getting somewhere in that you stated we simply don’t know, it wasn’t long ago that the powers that be said that we were all to blame for the decline of those little furry polar bears.:love:


Essentially we are being told that man made climate change is taking place, but just because temperatures haven't risen doesn't mean that it's not taking place or will not manifest itself in the future.

Many here including yourself claim to know what's happening, and are taking a smug "I told you so" attitude, but the reality is you could still be wrong.

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AGW is not science, it's politics.
"Science" in this case being "blog science", presumably. Since there's nothing in the real, peer-reviewed literature to support that statement you just made.


PS where are all the supporters of AGW on this forum? They seem to be rather quiet at the moment...
At the moment, I personally am doing "science". Can't speak for the rest, but I'm guessing like me they're just tired of repeating the same old basic physics and statistics lessons to the same old idiots over and over again.


You guys are an irrelevence. Who am I to spoil your little fun?

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Many here including yourself claim to know what's happening, and are taking a smug "I told you so" attitude, but the reality is you could still be wrong.


I have never made any smug statement and I don’t claim to know what is going on, I do object to being accused for the downfall of the planet for putting my rubbish in the wrong bin.

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