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Am I still allowed to question climate change?

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Climate data is all consistent and shows a remarkable rise in temperature over the last 150 years. 2005 was the warmest year on record, with 1998 and 2007 tieing for second place (at a time when the El Nino cycle was cooling surface temperatures!).



Large temperature rises have all had explanations in the past volcanic activity, tectonic activity, orbital variations, solar variations etc etc.


The only expalanation that fits the evidence is that a man made rise in CO2 is forcing a rise in temperature.



You're now back around to relying on the falsified data to support your argument that the data isn't falsified. The temperature has been falling for a decade.

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You're now back around to relying on the falsified data to support your argument that the data isn't falsified. The temperature has been falling for a decade.


What falsified data? I am quoting the datasets from the 10 seperate studies measuring temperature.


And I am unaware of any datasets having been falsified. I have given the evidence as have others before. Perhaps if you watch this from ford you might finally understand?


There has been plenty of falsifications of interpretations, largely as a result of the massive investment in the denial debate by fossil fuel lobbyists and the right wing in the USA.




Temperatures have been rising, the evidence has been given time and time again on this thread.


19 of the warmest years on record have occurred in the past 25 years. How is that cooling? :rolleyes:



More detailed rebuttal of the its been cooling argument, and why the argument is not only wrong but betrays the deliberate intention to mislead.


Edited by Wildcat
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What falsified data? I am quoting the datasets from the 10 seperate studies measuring temperature.


And I am unaware of any datasets having been falsified. I have given the evidence as have others before. Perhaps if you watch this from ford you might finally understand?


There has been plenty of falsifications of interpretations, largely as a result of the massive investment in the denial debate by fossil fuel lobbyists and the right wing in the USA.




Temperatures have been rising, the evidence has been given time and time again on this thread.

19 of the warmest years on record have occurred in the past 25 years. How is that cooling? :rolleyes:



More detailed rebuttal of the its been cooling argument, and why the argument is not only wrong but betrays the deliberate intention to mislead.



The quote is unture or meaningless in historical context.


The 1930's were as warm. The Medieval Warm Period was MUCH warmer with Chaucher talking of grapes being grown in northern england.


We had the mini ice age as well where the theams froze EVERY winter solid and it was cold enough to have winter fares on it.


ALL AGW research has neatly 'covered up' the MWP as it doesn't 'fit'into climate models as


1) It was warmer than our current climate and the CO2 concentrations didn't match.


Our current climatic temperatures are NOT extream in the slightest within a true historical context.

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The quote is unture or meaningless in historical context.


The 1930's were as warm. The Medieval Warm Period was MUCH warmer with Chaucher talking of grapes being grown in northern england.


We had the mini ice age as well where the theams froze EVERY winter solid and it was cold enough to have winter fares on it.


ALL AGW research has neatly 'covered up' the MWP as it doesn't 'fit'into climate models as


1) It was warmer than our current climate and the CO2 concentrations didn't match.


Our current climatic temperatures are NOT extream in the slightest within a true historical context.


You can still grow grapes in Northern England.



All AGW research has covered up the MWP? Can you name one? Can you name an IPCC report that hasn't mentioned it or tried to cover it up?


The fact is the Medieval Warm Period has been subject to some debate because there isn't evidence for it everywhere. Your points simply don't follow from the evidence.



None of which even attempts to explain the huge rise in temperatures over the last century, for which the only reasonable explanation is human created CO2 rises triggering the warming.

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Jibbo since you are back any chance of an answer to this:


Where have you got your data from because the normal figure given is 0.7 degree rise? In fact looking at the wiki graph I linked to it shows the ten biggest datasets that measure temperature rise (not including tree rings) all show a 0.7 degree rise in the last 100 years.


It does call in to question the research you have done when you appear to have got something so basic wrong.

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Wiki, YouTube... all quoted as being "fact" to support arguments. Maybe the Oil Companies et al do fund the Denier scienists but aren't all the so called scaremonger scientists funded by Governments etc who want to make people believe it is happening to raise taxes, enforce recycling etc.


What are the believers on here actually doing to contribute to lowering their carbon footprint and do they know what theirs is?

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Wiki, YouTube... all quoted as being "fact" to support arguments. Maybe the Oil Companies et al do fund the Denier scienists but aren't all the so called scaremonger scientists funded by Governments etc who want to make people believe it is happening to raise taxes, enforce recycling etc.


What are the believers on here actually doing to contribute to lowering their carbon footprint and do they know what theirs is?


My word that is some conspiracy :D


Do you have any evidence of all these US Government memos from the Bush administration forcing climate change on an innocent public to raise taxes?

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Wiki, YouTube... all quoted as being "fact" to support arguments. Maybe the Oil Companies et al do fund the Denier scienists but aren't all the so called scaremonger scientists funded by Governments etc who want to make people believe it is happening to raise taxes, enforce recycling etc.



Yeah, lets go back to dumping all sorts of rubbish in waste tips - and why not just let factories pump all their waste straight into the rivers again - and why dont we all burn coal and repeal the clean air acts while we're at it.

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My word that is some conspiracy :D


Do you have any evidence of all these US Government memos from the Bush administration forcing climate change on an innocent public to raise taxes?


As usual you are only reading the part that suits you, I have no evidence as to me it all seems to be flawed/biased depending on who is issuing it and for what ever reason, either for or against. No sure where Bush/US Goverment memos comes into it either, not quoted by me, I just said in an earlier post that 7% of UK taxes were Green Taxes.


I don't rely on wiki/youtube like you and am yet to be convinced it is actually happening and not just part of the natural cycle.


So what are you doing to reduce your CF and what is it? If you are going to be so typically patronising then at least humour me with this and answer all the post.

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Yeah, lets go back to dumping all sorts of rubbish in waste tips - and why not just let factories pump all their waste straight into the rivers again - and why dont we all burn coal and repeal the clean air acts while we're at it.


another balanced answer, chip on each shoulder. Again what are you doing to minimise climate change, lower you carbon footprint etc?

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