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Am I still allowed to question climate change?

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As usual you are only reading the part that suits you, I have no evidence as to me it all seems to be flawed/biased depending on who is issuing it and for what ever reason, either for or against. No sure where Bush/US Goverment memos comes into it either, not quoted by me, I just said in an earlier post that 7% of UK taxes were Green Taxes.


I don't rely on wiki/youtube like you and am yet to be convinced it is actually happening and not just part of the natural cycle.


So what are you doing to reduce your CF and what is it? If you are going to be so typically patronising then at least humour me with this and answer all the post.


You have no evidence of a conspiracy to silence debate on the subject, or to undermine the consensus view on climate change.... but you are prepared to believe in one?


I have used wiki and youtube to make limited points and emphasise, what I have learnt from reading scientific resources on the subject. All your refusal to look at such evidence suggests is that you are prepared to deny climate change inspite of the evidence of a consensus view on the subject.


7% taxes are green taxes, so what? is it not right that we seek compensation from polluters dissuade ruthless exploitation of the environment and to fund cleaning up the mess made?


I have no idea what my carbon footprint is. I try to buy local, recycle and do what I can in my limited way not to be wasteful. When I can afford it, I will get double glazing.

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dumping waste in land fill and companies pumping their waste into rivers is not to be gone back to. Does this contribute to global warming or just bad health risks


Very little to do with global warming, a point that had escaped cruxtilIdie

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global warming is an hoax its just another way of increasing taxes


I'm not a believer (yet) in man made global warming. I'm willing to be persuaded if the science turns out to be sound.


But it does strike me that much of what we are being asked to do is common sense anyway. Everybody must be aware there are finite resources. Everybody must want a clean and safe environment for themselves and their families. Nobody wants to be spending money on bill they don't have to. Everybody wants a strong local economy. I think that's where it should all start - locally. Recycle, use public transport, use your car less, insulate your home and support local businesses.


Why do the government want to ram global warming down our throats as a way of making people do this stuff when the simple and most sensible argument is that people should be encouraged to do this anyway because it really does help people live a better, cleaner and safer life.

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I'm not a believer (yet) in man made global warming. I'm willing to be persuaded if the science turns out to be sound.


But it does strike me that much of what we are being asked to do is common sense anyway. Everybody must be aware there are finite resources. Everybody must want a clean and safe environment for themselves and their families. Nobody wants to be spending money on bill they don't have to. Everybody wants a strong local economy. I think that's where it should all start - locally. Recycle, use public transport, use your car less, insulate your home and support local businesses.


Why do the government want to ram global warming down our throats as a way of making people do this stuff when the simple and most sensible argument is that people should be encouraged to do this anyway because it really does help people live a better, cleaner and safer life.


Succint and well put.

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Why do the government want to ram global warming down our throats as a way of making people do this stuff when the simple and most sensible argument is that people should be encouraged to do this anyway because it really does help people live a better, cleaner and safer life.


In what way do the Govt. do this? If anything they haven't helped by funding the explaining of the subject and the issues at stake with the public, the debate instead coming from groups funded by well fossil fuel lobbiests, less well funded environmental charities and private contributions from scientists.

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confused on this one, please humour me and explain as I haven't mentioned dumping stuff in rivers/clean air or even that we should go back to that, I remember Sheffield in the 60's


What was your point about 7% of taxes being green taxation about then? None of which is related to climate change, but instead to making our environment better and cleaner.

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