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Am I still allowed to question climate change?

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It works?


What proof have you got?


[ipcc]Proof, where we're going we don't need proof ;) [/ipcc]


Haven't you heard, St Obama of Illinois swooped into Hopenfakem, and agreed a deal at the very last minute (only a deal with 5 countries though, with other countries to add their bits later, and it won't be Legally binding).


There is no proof that man is repsonsible for climate change, and it's about time it was put to bed, along with the threats of ice ages from the 70's, global thermonuclear war from the 80's and the bird flu scare.

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There is no proof that man is repsonsible for climate change, and it's about time it was put to bed, along with the threats of ice ages from the 70's, global thermonuclear war from the 80's and the bird flu scare.

Why do you mention "global thermonuclear war" (a direct quote from "War Games" with Matthew Broderick I believe)? Was that a bogus scientific "scare"? Or just some weird category error?

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Why do you mention "global thermonuclear war" (a direct quote from "War Games" with Matthew Broderick I believe)? Was that a bogus scientific "scare"? Or just some weird category error?


I mention it, as it was a means used by Governments to control populations, and keep them in fear. Pretty much like AGW.

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I mention it, as it was a means used by Governments to control populations, and keep them in fear. Pretty much like AGW.


To be fair though there was plenty to fear from global thermonuclear war, we were always just a computer error and 10 minuets of panic from our leaders away from complete annihilation.

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I mention it, as it was a means used by Governments to control populations, and keep them in fear. Pretty much like AGW.



A looming apocalypse has likely always been a useful tool for political/religious 'leaders'. I wonder what big fib persuaded our ancestors to build Stonehenge ? - perhaps a perceived change in the climate :)


Controlling populations, in a different sense, is what politicians should now be addressing. Trying to control the climate will be a futile exercise unless we take steps to reduce the burgeoning population pressure.

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