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Am I still allowed to question climate change?

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the question marks refer to the credability of other certain people and/or organisations that are trying to make claims about global warming. Some individuals have actually gone on to win prestigious awards without actually evaluating ALL the facts. These same individuals, when questioned, have never even heard of the "Precession of the equinox" and answered saying they thought they were a hard rock band. (BTW - I was the one asking the question!)


Well even I know what the precession of the equinox is, I don't however see what relevance it has to recent climate change? The precession of the equinox would affect the amount of solar warming the planet enjoys, a process that would warm all levels of the atmosphere. The current warming doesn't display those hallmark characteristics, it is warming close to the earth under the "greenhouse" and is cooling in the stratosphere above the level greenhouse gases are accumulating. Whether someone knows about the precession of the equinox or not, it does not provide an explanation for current temperature changes.

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Only the Greenhouse effect explains why the Stratosphere is cooling whilst the Troposphere is warming:




it makes perfect sense to use taxation to disincentivise behaviour that is bad for society, and it also makes sense to use that money to mitigate against the damage the activity causes.


So taxing a flight stops the plane from flying does it, a scheduled flight will still leave the ground half empty or full.


People who can afford to buy high performance vehicles can afford to pay the extra running costs, therefore no reducton.


Isnt letting vehicles/aircraft pollute and then using the money raised by taxing them to nullify the same pollution an endless cycle of no substance.


Do you trust this or any other government to use the massive amounts of money raised to mitigate damage caused because I certainly dont, the massive amounts raised in road tax and by speed cameras most certainly does not go on the roads.

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So taxing a flight stops the plane from flying does it, a scheduled flight will still leave the ground half empty or full.


If demand reduces less flights will be chartered.


People who can afford to buy high performance vehicles can afford to pay the extra running costs, therefore no reducton.


Are you advocating a ban?


Isnt letting vehicles/aircraft pollute and then using the money raised by taxing them to nullify the same pollution an endless cycle of no substance.


No. It is a sensible and proportionate method of social control, exactly the same as the justification for tobacco taxation.


Do you trust this or any other government to use the massive amounts of money raised to mitigate damage caused because I certainly dont, the massive amounts raised in road tax and by speed cameras most certainly does not go on the roads.


I should hope it doesn't all get spent on roads. That would be a wasteful way to spend the money and do nothing to looking to the future, or making this country a better place to live regardless of any arguments on climate change.

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If demand reduces less flights will be chartered.


Demand will not reduce, people who travel for business still have to travel and people who travel for holidays will not stop in enough numbers to reduce sheduled flights (they will still fly half full).

Are you advocating a ban?


If the situation is as bad as we are led to believe then why not, they wouldnt be missed.



No. It is a sensible and proportionate method of social control, exactly the same as the justification for tobacco taxation.


Tobacco has been taxed for years, I see no reduction in smokers and this is coupled with many other deterrents, it just make the families of smokers less well off.


I should hope it doesn't all get spent on roads. That would be a wasteful way to spend the money and do nothing to looking to the future, or making this country a better place to live regardless of any arguments on climate change.[/QUOTE]


So what do they use all the other taxes for then, moat cleaning.

Edited by top4718
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Speed fines are hypothecated.


This means the money is ring-fenced for road safety.


Speeding fines cannot by law be spent on anything other than the roads.


Why then have Swindon council removed speed cameras as they consider them to be revenue collectors, surely if the money was spent on roads/road safety they would have benifited from this.

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