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Am I still allowed to question climate change?

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If you want realistic info then the BBC gives an explanation for the recent weather.... the Arctic Oscillation, which means it is cold here, but in Newfoundland their temperatures are 23 degrees centigrade above the average.




Realistic info from the BBC, you having a laugh?


Government sponsored propaganda and spin more like.


I notice that a lot of comments have been deleted on there, wonder why, perhaps they only want people to read what's "on message".


This one seemed to make sense though....



As to global warming, http://wattsupwiththat.com/2010/01/05/december-uah-global-temperature-anomaly-down-by-almost-half/#more-14851 clearly shows that yes, there has been warming since 1979 (when satellite data started being collected, and this warming has, globally averaged, been around 0.16 C/decade.


Considering that 1850 is acknowledged by anyone with a brain who has done any research whatsoever to have been the end of the "Little Ice Age", one would thing that "warming" from 1850 to present would be not only a natural thing, but a good thing as well. People were not particularly comfortable during the "Little Ice Age".


Also, if you look carefully at the graph of globally-averaged satellite temperature data, you can clearly see that from about 2002-2006 no additional warming occurred whatsoever, and from 2007-present it has been cooling significantly, although we are still at +0.28 C temperature anomoly, so if you believe folks when they tell you what the temperature "should be", then we are theoretically 0.28 C above that point.


If anyone is seriously worried about being +0.28 C "above normal", and if anyone seriously believes that the activities of man have had anything whatsoever to do with that "anomoly", I would strongly suggest you study the available geological time-scale climate data. There have been MANY times in the history of the earth when it was quite a bit warmer globally than it is now. Geologists call these warm eras "climate optima".


Why would they call the warm periods "climate optima"? Perhaps because a warm earth is extremely pleasant and prosperous for its inhabitants?



0.28 C above what it should be eh? And here's me without me shorts on :rolleyes:

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it's funny really - the people who grizzle and whinge about 'these disgusting climate change lies', moan about 'green taxes', 'political spin' etc, are probably amongst the most vocal in their complaints about the snow not being cleared in their little suburb. whats that you say? you want it both ways? why certainly, we'll get rid of the big brother nanny state, but we will summon the extra gritters out of thin air for you.... ;)


my 2p's worth - i'm not sure what to think, there is so much hyperbole on both sides - the people who seem to have been warning against global warming, and the potential cause and effect of human beings and their filthy habits seem to be academics, anthropologists, third world countries and people who live in already precarious environments.


the people who seem be coordinating the 'attack' against the green movement are gigantic corporations who stand to lose billions, large governments from heavy polluting nations and people who have a leaning towards political right, and abhor pretty much any sort of tax.


maybe i'm just a bleeding heart, but for some reason, i don't have a huge amount of faith in organisations and research funded by oil companies, or statements from political parties that want to dig for oil in the antarctic....

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it's funny really - the people who grizzle and whinge about 'these disgusting climate change lies', moan about 'green taxes', 'political spin' etc, are probably amongst the most vocal in their complaints about the snow not being cleared in their little suburb. whats that you say? you want it both ways? why certainly, we'll get rid of the big brother nanny state, but we will summon the extra gritters out of thin air for you.... ;)


my 2p's worth - i'm not sure what to think, there is so much hyperbole on both sides - the people who seem to have been warning against global warming, and the potential cause and effect of human beings and their filthy habits seem to be academics, anthropologists, third world countries and people who live in already precarious environments.


the people who seem be coordinating the 'attack' against the green movement are gigantic corporations who stand to lose billions, large governments from heavy polluting nations and people who have a leaning towards political right, and abhor pretty much any sort of tax.


maybe i'm just a bleeding heart, but for some reason, i don't have a huge amount of faith in organisations and research funded by oil companies, or statements from political parties that want to dig for oil in the antarctic....




Who would oppose reducing pollution, reducing energy use and looking after the planet?

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anybody who has to alter their lifestyle, it would seem.


oh, and anyone (or indeed, any company) that will lose any money. where there's much, there's brass, i believe is a yorkshire stereotype... ;)

Edited by moke
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Who would oppose reducing pollution, reducing energy use and looking after the planet?


These for a start,



The airport says it is expecting up to 140 extra private jets during the peak period alone, so far over its capacity that the planes will have to fly off to regional airports – or to Sweden – to park, returning to Copenhagen to pick up their VIP passengers.


As well 15,000 delegates and officials, 5,000 journalists and 98 world leaders, the Danish capital will be blessed by the presence of Leonardo DiCaprio, Daryl Hannah, Helena Christensen, Archbishop Desmond Tutu and Prince Charles. A Republican US senator, Jim Inhofe, is jetting in at the head of an anti-climate-change "Truth Squad." The top hotels – all fully booked at £650 a night – are readying their Climate Convention menus of (no doubt sustainable) scallops, foie gras and sculpted caviar wedges.



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These for a start,



The airport says it is expecting up to 140 extra private jets during the peak period alone, so far over its capacity that the planes will have to fly off to regional airports – or to Sweden – to park, returning to Copenhagen to pick up their VIP passengers.


As well 15,000 delegates and officials, 5,000 journalists and 98 world leaders, the Danish capital will be blessed by the presence of Leonardo DiCaprio, Daryl Hannah, Helena Christensen, Archbishop Desmond Tutu and Prince Charles. A Republican US senator, Jim Inhofe, is jetting in at the head of an anti-climate-change "Truth Squad." The top hotels – all fully booked at £650 a night – are readying their Climate Convention menus of (no doubt sustainable) scallops, foie gras and sculpted caviar wedges.




How do you know no steps were taken to ensure the trips were carbon neutral?

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Realistic info from the BBC, you having a laugh?


Government sponsored propaganda and spin more like.


I notice that a lot of comments have been deleted on there, wonder why, perhaps they only want people to read what's "on message".


This one seemed to make sense though....



As to global warming, http://wattsupwiththat.com/2010/01/05/december-uah-global-temperature-anomaly-down-by-almost-half/#more-14851 clearly shows that yes, there has been warming since 1979 (when satellite data started being collected, and this warming has, globally averaged, been around 0.16 C/decade.


Considering that 1850 is acknowledged by anyone with a brain who has done any research whatsoever to have been the end of the "Little Ice Age", one would thing that "warming" from 1850 to present would be not only a natural thing, but a good thing as well. People were not particularly comfortable during the "Little Ice Age".


Also, if you look carefully at the graph of globally-averaged satellite temperature data, you can clearly see that from about 2002-2006 no additional warming occurred whatsoever, and from 2007-present it has been cooling significantly, although we are still at +0.28 C temperature anomoly, so if you believe folks when they tell you what the temperature "should be", then we are theoretically 0.28 C above that point.


If anyone is seriously worried about being +0.28 C "above normal", and if anyone seriously believes that the activities of man have had anything whatsoever to do with that "anomoly", I would strongly suggest you study the available geological time-scale climate data. There have been MANY times in the history of the earth when it was quite a bit warmer globally than it is now. Geologists call these warm eras "climate optima".


Why would they call the warm periods "climate optima"? Perhaps because a warm earth is extremely pleasant and prosperous for its inhabitants?



0.28 C above what it should be eh? And here's me without me shorts on :rolleyes:


I trust the BBC much more than the website you have quoted that has repeatedly turned up on this thread sponsoring fossil fuel lobbiests.


And the latest link is no exception. Roy Spencer works for ExxonMobil... as for credibility the guy doesn't even believe in evolution. :rolleyes:



A video Wattsupwthat tried to ban, that gets to the heart of their lack of credibility:

Edited by Wildcat
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How do you know no steps were taken to ensure the trips were carbon neutral?


I think Wikicat would have googled us a non polluting carbon neutral jet before now if there was such an animal, don't you trust his information, or do you mean if you can afford it you can pass on the pollution to someone else and blame them for polluting the planet.:rolleyes:

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Do you understand Global warming is not just about UK temperatures?


Australia for example is worried about its fruit crops because Spring has been so hot.... what does that prove? it proves it is hotter than normal in Autralia, and nothing in isolation about global warming.




Weather from Sydney, in email today,

had mixed weather mostly warm bit overcast rainy at times but still some nice days;)

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