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Am I still allowed to question climate change?

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When we had the floods in 2007 we were told that this was a consequence of global warming.


Now that we have extremely low winter temperature despite alleged global warming, we are told that global warming and weather are now two entirely different things.


The propoganda machine keeps rolling.

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When we had the floods in 2007 we were told that this was a consequence of global warming.


Now that we have extremely low winter temperature despite alleged global warming, we are told that global warming and weather are now two entirely different things.


The propoganda machine keeps rolling.


You think "climate change" and "weather" are the same thing?

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Of course Climate Change and weather are the same thing, but only when it suits the AGW True believers.


Everytime we have some freak 'weather' some 'expert' pops up on the biased broadcasting corp' and tells us we're evil. However when the freak weather doesn't fit ANY of the predictions (sorry should have said storylines, as even they don't have enough confidence in the models to call them predictions) then they abandon the correlations.



However it's good to see someone at the BBC doing what they're paid to do, and grilling the head of the Met' office.




So despite the fact that the Met' Orriface predicted a 'BBQ summer' and a 'mild winter' for 2009, the head gets a performance related bonus, that means he earns more than the PM.

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Of course Climate Change and weather are the same thing, but only when it suits the AGW True believers.


Everytime we have some freak 'weather' some 'expert' pops up on the biased broadcasting corp' and tells us we're evil. However when the freak weather doesn't fit ANY of the predictions (sorry should have said storylines, as even they don't have enough confidence in the models to call them predictions) then they abandon the correlations.


Come again.... who is telling you you are evil?


However it's good to see someone at the BBC doing what they're paid to do, and grilling the head of the Met' office.




So despite the fact that the Met' Orriface predicted a 'BBQ summer' and a 'mild winter' for 2009, the head gets a performance related bonus, that means he earns more than the PM.


As he made clear he doesn't know if he will get a performance related bonus this year or not. :rolleyes:


You seem to be imagining things.


It is a shame Andrew Neil gave the impression he didn't understand the Met Office guys answers, and had been given wrong information, we should expect better from the BBC and the interview is an example of where the BBC has problems with scientific reporting.

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Come again.... who is telling you you are evil?




As he made clear he doesn't know if he will get a performance related bonus this year or not. :rolleyes:


You seem to be imagining things.


It is a shame Andrew Neil gave the impression he didn't understand the Met Office guys answers, and had been given wrong information, we should expect better from the BBC and the interview is an example of where the BBC has problems with scientific reporting.


The Met office chump squirmed, if this is how the Climate Change lobby present their case is it any wonder people are sceptical.

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The Met office chump squirmed, if this is how the Climate Change lobby present their case is it any wonder people are sceptical.


That's true, he doesn't seem worth his pay if he can't defend his salary and more improtantly get his point across better about the probability ranges they give when making mid-range forecasts. He was however dealing with an interviewer who had been given poor information about what the Met Office had forecast for the last decade and who didn't seem to understand the difference between UK and global predictions.

Edited by Wildcat
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Come again.... who is telling you you are evil?

Oh let's see shall we, the BBC, The majority of the MSM, the Act on CO2 adverts. Let's all blame man for the changing climate...



As he made clear he doesn't know if he will get a performance related bonus this year or not. :rolleyes:


You seem to be imagining things.


It is a shame Andrew Neil gave the impression he didn't understand the Met Office guys answers, and had been given wrong information, we should expect better from the BBC and the interview is an example of where the BBC has problems with scientific reporting.


I thought Andrew Neil made a damn good job of the interview, and that the Met office chap squirmed, and tried to avoid the questions, especially re his bonus, and that fact that US based forecasts predicted this cold spell well in advance of the Beeb.

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Oh let's see shall we, the BBC, The majority of the MSM, the Act on CO2 adverts. Let's all blame man for the changing climate...


What is that in english, without the acronyms?


I thought Andrew Neil made a damn good job of the interview, and that the Met office chap squirmed, and tried to avoid the questions, especially re his bonus, and that fact that US based forecasts predicted this cold spell well in advance of the Beeb.


A shame Andrew Neil had his facts wrong not just on what the Met had forecast, but also on what was happening with global temperatures.


It is always hard to come across well in an interview with an interviewer that has been briefed poorly.... like using the argument that 1998 was the hotest year when according to NASA's GISTemp records it was 2005.


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Ok, then BBC = Biased Broadcasting Corportation; MSM = MainStream Media, CO2 Carbon Dioxide. Is that better.



Please, also tell me exactly what Andrew Neil got wrong? The Met office and the BBC forecast a BBQ (barbeque in case you're struggling) summber and a Mild Winter.


Forgive me, but I don't recollect getting the old BBQ (don't need to explain this twice do I) much over the last year, although it's a good job I've got a couple of bottles of Gas for it, as I might need to bring it indoors to help heat the house in this mild winter, as forecast by both the Met office and BBC.

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