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Am I still allowed to question climate change?

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When we had the floods in 2007 we were told that this was a consequence of global warming.


Now that we have extremely low winter temperature despite alleged global warming, we are told that global warming and weather are now two entirely different things.


The propoganda machine keeps rolling.


Here's a bit from history some 140 odd years ago does it sound familiar,


"Along various streets and lanes, and the upper end of the Wicker, the current ran as though these streets were branches of the river."

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Ok, then BBC = Biased Broadcasting Corportation; MSM = MainStream Media, CO2 Carbon Dioxide. Is that better.



Please, also tell me exactly what Andrew Neil got wrong? The Met office and the BBC forecast a BBQ (barbeque in case you're struggling) summber and a Mild Winter.


Forgive me, but I don't recollect getting the old BBQ (don't need to explain this twice do I) much over the last year, although it's a good job I've got a couple of bottles of Gas for it, as I might need to bring it indoors to help heat the house in this mild winter, as forecast by both the Met office and BBC.


They forecast a more than 50% probability of a hot Summer, their sums were correct. Anyone with an understanding of statistics realises that just because a probability is above 50% doesn't mean it will happen. :rolleyes:


What Andrew Neil got wrong aside from the head of the Met getting a performance related pay bonus this year was his assertion that 1998 was the hottest year on record. Only the data from East Anglia came to that conclusion, GISS and NOAA have 2005 as the hottest year. As this article explains East Anglia's HadCRUT data has problems with sampling, in that it is underestimating the global change in temperatures.



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They forecast a more than 50% probability of a hot Summer, their sums were correct. Anyone with an understanding of statistics realises that just because a probability is above 50% doesn't mean it will happen. :rolleyes:


What Andrew Neil got wrong aside from the head of the Met getting a performance related pay bonus this year was his assertion that 1998 was the hottest year on record. Only the data from East Anglia came to that conclusion, GISS and NOAA have 2005 as the hottest year. As this article explains East Anglia's HadCRUT data has problems with sampling, in that it is underestimating the global change in temperatures.




:hihi: :hihi: :hihi:


Love it. 50% probability or in other words it could be hot, then again it could be cold. :hihi:

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But it’s in the "Hate Mail" everything those Nazi loving lot say is automatically the opposite of the truth .. or that what I was lead to believe :hihi:


Global warming stopped 10 years ago .. last winter was colder than average, this winter is the coldest in 30 years for the majority of the northern hemisphere ... but people are still going on about global warming. Why? because people need a cause and global warming fits the bill perfectly. It plays to their belief they are more intelligent than those around them. But in fact it is those with some sense that question and those with little in the way of brain power who follow the herd. These people can get militant, abusive and have a clear conscience because they think they are doing the right thing.

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I just wonder if the same loonies, or Lefties, perhaps they're one and the same, that have fallen for the Global Warming/Climate Change scam also fell for the great Swine Flu Pandemic scare and rushed out to get vaccinated - just a thought :hihi:

Edited by Nodens
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