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Am I still allowed to question climate change?

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But it’s in the "Hate Mail" everything those Nazi loving lot say is automatically the opposite of the truth .. or that what I was lead to believe :hihi:


Global warming stopped 10 years ago .. last winter was colder than average, this winter is the coldest in 30 years for the majority of the northern hemisphere ... but people are still going on about global warming. Why? because people need a cause and global warming fits the bill perfectly. It plays to their belief they are more intelligent than those around them. But in fact it is those with some sense that question and those with little in the way of brain power who follow the herd. These people can get militant, abusive and have a clear conscience because they think they are doing the right thing.


an excellent post :clap:

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I just wonder if the same loonies, or Lefties, perhaps they're one and the same, that have fallen for the Global Warming/Climate Change scam also fell for the great Swine Flu Pandemic scare and rushed out to get vaccinated - just a thought :hihi:


Oh dear - Iwent out to get vaccinated against the swine flu - please don't say that I'll develop in to a loonie leftie?:help:

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Global warming stopped 10 years ago .. last winter was colder than average, this winter is the coldest in 30 years for the majority of the northern hemisphere ...


there will always be winters warmer and colder than average


but people are still going on about global warming. Why? because people need a cause and global warming fits the bill perfectly. It plays to their belief they are more intelligent than those around them. But in fact it is those with some sense that question and those with little in the way of brain power who follow the herd. These people can get militant, abusive and have a clear conscience because they think they are doing the right thing.


even the people interviewed in the daily mail article acknowledge that human activity has added a warming component to out climate but claim that it is not particularly significant when compared to the global climate cycles.


assuming that we have now entered a cooling cycle, then the human warming effect may give a big kick to the warming cycle when it returns in a few years. of course, we could wait and see but by then it could be too late.


ultimately the question is, whether or not your prepared to take the risk?


There are other reasons to reduce CO2 emissions, much of the CO2 we generate comes from carbon we import (oil and gas) and as the North Sea sources runs out we will have import more. this can only get more expensive as demand grows and easily accessible sources run out. So anything we can do to reduce our dependency on imported carbon, especially as many of the sources are not particularly stable, must be a good thing.

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I just wonder if the same loonies, or Lefties, perhaps they're one and the same, that have fallen for the Global Warming/Climate Change scam also fell for the great Swine Flu Pandemic scare and rushed out to get vaccinated - just a thought :hihi:


i wonder if you would have called it a scam if this years pandemic Flu strain had proved more aggressive and killed several tens of millions of people like the previous pandemics did.

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i wonder if you would have called it a scam if this years pandemic Flu strain had proved more aggressive and killed several tens of millions of people like the previous pandemics did.



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your link doesn't work.


and its much more fun if you post text rather than random links whether or not they work


OK how's this ..from the Times today..


"..A period of humility and even silence would be particularly welcome from the Met Office, our leading institutional advocate of the perils of man-made global warming, which had promised a “barbecue summer” in 2009 and one of the “warmest winters on record”. In fact, the Met still asserts we are in the midst of an unusually warm winter — as one of its staffers sniffily protested in an internet posting to a newspaper last week: “This will be the warmest winter in living memory, the data has already been recorded. For your information, we take the highest 15 readings between November and March and then produce an average. As November was a very seasonally warm month, then all the data will come from those readings.”


So no checking for cold weather.....

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your link doesn't work.


and its much more fun if you post text rather than random links whether or not they work


It's not a random link,it's pertinent to your post.. The link said that Sir Roy Anderson who sits on the goverment's Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies which advises on swine 'flu is also a director of GlaxoSmithKline,the company who manufacture 'flu vaccine...conflict of interests?

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Some more common sense by Paul Hudson at the BBC.


... The answer may well be quite straight forward. It's likely that the all powerful and dominant Hadley centre supercomputer predicted very little chance of a cold winter, just like it did last winter, and that, as they say, was that.


Which begs other, rather important questions. Could the model, seemingly with an inability to predict colder seasons, have developed a warm bias, after such a long period of milder than average years? Experts I have spoken to tell me that this certainly is possible with such computer models. And if this is the case, what are the implications for the Hadley centre's predictions for future global temperatures? Could they be affected by such a warm bias? If global temperatures were to fall in years to come would the computer model be capable of forecasting this?







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Just another page of denialist mischief from the right wing press ;)


OTOH the IPCC seen to have been up to some mischief on their own account.



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