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Am I still allowed to question climate change?

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Just another page of denialist mischief from the right wing press ;)


OTOH the IPCC seen to have been up to some mischief on their own account.




So the IPCC used 'grey material' to form the basis of a scenario that they believe is 90% likely.


Unfortunately they also got the date wrong. It appears that they may have misread 2350 as 2035.




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I hope everyone is now aware of the fact that it is the crazy "carbon trading" schemes which has resulted in the loss of the Redcar Corus Plant (along with 1700 jobs.) Tata stands to gain £1.2 Billion EU/UN carbon credits, and it will open a new plant in India resulting in no net reduction in worldwide CO2 emissions. We are effectively paying to export jobs


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But it’s in the "Hate Mail" everything those Nazi loving lot say is automatically the opposite of the truth .. or that what I was lead to believe :hihi:


Global warming stopped 10 years ago .. last winter was colder than average, this winter is the coldest in 30 years for the majority of the northern hemisphere ... but people are still going on about global warming. Why? because people need a cause and global warming fits the bill perfectly. It plays to their belief they are more intelligent than those around them. But in fact it is those with some sense that question and those with little in the way of brain power who follow the herd. These people can get militant, abusive and have a clear conscience because they think they are doing the right thing.


A) The earth has continued to get hotter over the last 10 years.



B) There is no harm in questioning or scepticism, unless in doing so you reject the theory that provides the only explanation for the evidence, or that in doing so you reject the viewpoint of the consensus of scientific opinion in favour of highly funded fuel lobbyists, a look north weatherman and a handful of eccentric scientists that have each been refuted on his thread. At that point scepticism moves in to the realms of gullibility.

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I hope everyone is now aware of the fact that it is the crazy "carbon trading" schemes which has resulted in the loss of the Redcar Corus Plant (along with 1700 jobs.) Tata stands to gain £1.2 Billion EU/UN carbon credits, and it will open a new plant in India resulting in no net reduction in worldwide CO2 emissions. We are effectively paying to export jobs



You might be interested in these criticisms of carbon trading, and their suggestions for how climate emissions would be better dealt with:



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its all popycock just the planets natural cycle ? but the gov will not say that as theres no money in a natural event but plenty to be made from omg global warming ????


Whilst the natural cycle argument is addressed in the link above, it doesn't address the other part of your point which is basically that Climate Change is a plot by Governments to increase taxation.


If you pause for a moment and consider the number of establishments, and scientists involved in this plot and in the US under George Bush operating in opposition to the political will of the republicans. It really makes for a pretty preposterous conspiracy theory. For a start the alleged beneficiaries of the conspiracy are not those advocating it, and secondly to pull of a plot of that magnitude is beyond any practical conception. And there is no evidence to believe in the conspiracy.

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and no evidence not to ? I believe truely that this is a natural cycle in line with orbits and time ? sone will say this winter is proof but not the case as we had the same 30 years ago. this planet as always been on the move and open to change contenants moveing ect maybe its time the polar caps thawed and the contenats moved again ?


we as the supreme beings take it upon our selfs to help species survive or decline we should leave it to nature and the natural cycle to decide who stays and who go,s


the panda should have died out years ago but we still put so much in to makeing it live on its natural selection and we are not god,s


so many have made so much of the global warming hype and still do ?


sorry for any miss spellings or punctuation


but this is my thoughts ?

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and no evidence not to ? I believe truely that this is a natural cycle in line with orbits and time ? sone will say this winter is proof but not the case as we had the same 30 years ago. this planet as always been on the move and open to change contenants moveing ect maybe its time the polar caps thawed and the contenats moved again ?


we as the supreme beings take it upon our selfs to help species survive or decline we should leave it to nature and the natural cycle to decide who stays and who go,s


the panda should have died out years ago but we still put so much in to makeing it live on its natural selection and we are not god,s


so many have made so much of the global warming hype and still do ?


sorry for any miss spellings or punctuation


but this is my thoughts ?


By natural cycle and references to orbits, I assume you mean that ultimately it is the Sun that is responsible for recent warming.


If the sun was responsible warming it would occur throughout the atmosphere. That however doesn't however fit the facts. The upper atmosphere is cooling at the same time surface temperatures are rising. The only explanation for this is the greenhouse effect, that predicts precisely this pattern of surface heating and stratospheric cooling.


The articles on the skeptical science link give the scientific details here



and in particular this link:



but this little video explains it clearly in just 5 mins and makes the point easy to understand.


Edited by Wildcat
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