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Cows don't have horns..Or do they??You live and learn

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Up until recently my partner thought that cows only had milk because they ate grass, that caused much hilarity...rotten aren't I? :D


I bet there's loads of instances where people have made clangers that others knew all along.


I remember when I was a child, my mother slapped me because I used the phrase "tit-for-tat"....She'd obviously never heard of the phrase and I got a slap for being coarse....

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I've never been much of a fan of gardening and knowing stuff about plants. But in my 30's I found out for the first time that an evergreen means a plant is green all year round! :P


Perennials, hardy perennials, bi-hardy perennials... (any more!?) still confuse the hell out of me though! :hihi:

We visited Alnwick's poison garden a couple of weekends ago.


You wouldn't believe the number of common, everyday plants which are actually deadly to humans. Some within a matter of hours :o Useful rule of thumb: be wary of anything with blue flowers.


On-topic: of course cows have horns. But dehorning has long (long, long, long) been a very common practice for economic and safety reasons. So if you've only or mostly ever seen dehorned ones, this may explain the confusion.

Edited by L00b
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On-topic: of course cows have horns. But dehorning has long (long, long, long) been a very common practice for economic and safety reasons. So if you've only or mostly ever seen dehorned ones, this may explain the confusion.

Long-horn cattle are called that for a reason, I imagine.

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