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Who is the most famous person you have seen/met?

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oooh well I used to work for 12 years in hotel so got to meet quite a few famous people. Some very nice. So not so! I hate to think how some of em live at home!


Posh and Becks used to come in on a Sunday afternoon in Manchester when they were just starting to get together. Must say, very nice people.


But loads of other personalities, sporting (Gary Lineker, Ian Woosman virtually every snooker player and more), television (John Motson is as a big an anorak in real life as he is on tv!!), I could put a very long thread!!

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Originally posted by JonJParr

-Drinks with various MP's and Govt. Ministers on the Terrace at HOC (most famous Jack Straw)

-Richard Branson (had champagne breakfast with him at Health Club)

-Michael Portillo (sat next to me on the train from St Pancras to Sheffield a couple of weeks ago)

-Victoria Beckham & David Beckham (whilst shopping in Selfridges)

-James Nesbitt (in same lift at Malmaison, Manchester a couple of years ago)

-Raymond Blanc (trained at his cookery school)

-John Burton Race (when I ate at The New Angel, Dartmouth)

-Damien Hirst (at opening of Shark in Formaldehyde at Saatchi in 1992)

-Lucy-Jo Hudson AKA Katie Harris (came into Vivienne Westwood in Manchester whilst I was buying some shirts)

-Sue Nicholls AKA Audrey Roberts (in menswear at Kendals)


That's about it! :)


Spiffing JJP! All those meetings with Governement Ministers on The Terrace and amongst Commons Chambers..... I see now, the BS that they spout on a daily basis must be rubbing off on yourself! You really ought not keep spouting all this BS, it is jolly funny to read, but really you aren't qualified to do so until you hold a Bulls**t Certificate (aka: a BSc), or is it a BA at the management school?


Did you get to see the Shark amongst all those big tall adults at Saatchi back in 1992, my, you must have been ........ 9yrs old?


Anyhow, I'm off to whip up some fennel & quails eggs pancakes with truffle jus. A recipe I learnt when I was working as a trained chef in the Ritz.


Ta ta!

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met darkness one time when over in dec 04


went fishing with billy connolly when he was over filming for his tv program he used my x neighbours barge (when i use to live on one) he was very nice bloke,even sign her boat and now that for sale if anyone want it lol.


patrick mcguinness at his gig saw him back stage


long time ago i once went to a local bike club that still see in bury and a bloke name peter kay drank in that pub,that was well befor he became famous tho but he was known.


few others i ither seen or met but think billy was the best to met.

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