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Who is the most famous person you have seen/met?

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I met Princess Diana when i was at at college. I showed her how a CD Rom computer worked - ot like she didnt know how to do it already. Also I presented Prince Charles with 2 musical instrumnts for Harry and William. I met the Liverpool football team in 1998 and said hello to the Queen when I was 3 years old.


I spoke to Chubby Brown too - ha - not as nice as princess Diana but he's not bad looking withough all that crap on he normally wears on stage lol:hihi:

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I met Alice Cooper too! He was having curry in Meadowhall at 11am on a monday morning. Now that's rock and roll! Weirder thing was I saw him again on the same day at 11pm totally ******!


Also had dinner on the table next to George Clooney.


Not sure if anyone will know her, but I used to be best mates with Melanie Boorman. She's one of the regulars in the lads mags with the likes of Lucy and Michelle etc... a bit D-list really!

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Back in 1963 when Charlton Heston visited Australia and came to the University of Queensland I was introduced to him along with other colleagues and got to shake his hand. Sadly, seeing him these days as the redneck he is, I'm not sure I feel honoured by the contact.

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Jimmy Summerville in a local shop, Richard Wilson (looks like victor meldrew, same grumpy expression) coming out of Waitrose, Boy George, also in waitrose with no make up on luvvie! Barry, Auf whats-it- name(can't spell it, not going to try!) Pet, in local pub and that miserable man (now dead) out of A Fine Romance, also can't remember his name, the one with Judy Dench, he was always propping up the bar in our local pub - The Black Lion on West End Lane


I didn't talk to any of them, I'm not a star struck kind of person but I lived in West Hampstead at the time and there are load of 'em around there. I wish I'd stayed around a bit longer, I might have met Richard and Judy! I would have had to have prodded them to see if they were real though!


Um, Richard Wilson IS Victor Meldrew.

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Mod: Threads merged. Please use the search facility before starting a new topic! Thanks.


Oh, and I've met loads of "famous" or should that be "infamous" Mods from here, including Kristian, JoeP, former Mod BoroughGal, Edd, Tracie, and Sian.

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Back in 1963 when Charlton Heston visited Australia and came to the University of Queensland I was introduced to him along with other colleagues and got to shake his hand. Sadly, seeing him these days as the redneck he is, I'm not sure I feel honoured by the contact.



Is that one in Brisbane city centre?

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ive met and have photos of me with paul whitehouse, that curtis geezer from blouse and skirt black comedy thing (i always forget his second name)


ive also met and photographed, got autographs from eddi reader, tom robinson and arthur brown

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I've met *clears throat*


The one and only Murray Walker

David Coulthard

The league of gentlemen

Sally Traffic (Radio 2? or is it 4?)

The guy that plays bruno from footballers wifes

Alan McNish

Collin Turkington

Jodie? and Michelle (them with the big boobs!)

Justin Wilson (The racing wonderkid NOT who is from sheffield)


I've seen...



Christina Augulaira (i know that's not how you spell it!)

Jordan and Peter Andre

Princess Anne


Michael Schumacher :love: (Oh my god i almost died)

Ricky Tomlinson


Nobody exciting really, there's more but i can't remember,i'll add them if they come back to me!

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