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Who is the most famous person you have seen/met?

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So I'm in Flares? Millionaires?, no I think it was Flares, I remember Dean was the 70s-80s DJ.

I've had plenty to drink and I'm a little drunk.

I think it was a works christmas party, the whole place was filled with Pc Service Call Techincal Phone Gibbons.

I'm stood watching this bird dance, when I gets an abrupt tap on the shoulder.

Turns around and there is this little short bloke stood in front of me, "Hi Digsy isn't it" without giving me time to respond he starts this diatribe about a show or something, and they are looking for an I.T guy that's funny, they'd been asking around and people had directed them to me.

<REMOVED>, if there is one things I hate it's being touched, and my attention had been distracted away from my sensory overload.

Stood over his left shoulder is this lass towering over him, just stood there grinning, nodding to everything he was saying.


I says "hang on what are you on about, funny show on tv?"

Nick Frost "Yes we're doing a show called Hyperdrive and we're looking for a geeky, techy type bloke to play the ships engineer, but he has to be funny, can you be funny".

I says "yeah I bet I can make her laugh in two words".

Nick Frost looking all excited and expectant "go on then".

I says "your phat".

His mouth dropped his bottom lip wibbled a little, he wasn't sure whether run off crying or throw a headbutt I could see it in his eyes.

The lass over his shoulder burst out into laughter, and he storms off, Miranda Hart says to me "that was kinda funny".

I says "do you know what it means".

She says "yeah phat means cool in street talk" and chuckled again.

I says "don't what your laughing at your phat too".

She says "now your pushing it".

I says "shame he's took offence 'cos your kinda sweet I could work with you".

She huffed and walked off.


The little gathering of work colleagues who had dragged little and large over here to dig me in the shoulder start singing in harmony.

"Digsy, what did you do that for, you could have been on T.V."


I turned back to watch the girl dance and carried on with my pint laughing.

Saying to myself "now that is a joke if ever I heard one".


Just as a side note.


thats MAD but a great piece of milliganesque writing.

Edited by esme
unmasked swearing
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I met gok wann when I applied for his show goks fashion fix, Spent a whole day with him as well as about 70 other applicants, I love him so was great for me!!!! Even got a hug and kiss, it made my year, sad I know


I met Kevin Sacre (Jake Dean from hollyoaks) at firth park lol and had a picture taken with him

Edited by lubylou12
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have I posted on here about meeting Sir Derek Jacobi? I met him after I had been in a play and we went to the crucible bar for a drink. I saw a man with a dog stood at the bar and as I walked past I made a fuss of the dog and asked him how the flip he got his dog in. He laughed and exchanged pleasantries. I then went to the gents and then returned to my friends who asked me if I knew who I was just speaking to. I said it was a bloke with a dog. They pointed to an 18 foot poster of Sir Derek Jacobi.


Another time I saw Kate O'mara crossing over to the Crucible and remarked to my friend that she looked like Kate O'mara. She just smiled while my friend explained it was her and she was in a play that week. Most embarrassing.


Richard Wilson didn't laugh when I met him. As we walked past him to get in to see aplay he was directing (I didn't realise he was directing the play) I commented as he walked past me that he looked like that bloke from TV, you know that I don't believe it actor. He rolled his eyes, not surprisingly, and my friends pointed out what a prat I was.

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When I was about 7, I met Seth from Emmerdale Farm and a few years ago I met Bruce Jones (Les Battersby off Corrie) at Skegness Stadium, more recenlty I met Jackie Stewart when I bought his autobiography, I've also delivered food samples to Anthony Worral Tompson and Delia Smiths houses

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