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Flags - lets just ban them all!

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Anyone noticed how flags are causing a lot of problems these days?


There's the racists in America who insist on flying the Confederate flag




Then there's the people setting fire to it




The guy in London with his ISIS flag




The bloke with his ISIS/Sex toy flag who made CNN look stupid




Then there's the flag of Kanye West's missus at Glastonbury... http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-3142888/Kanye-West-fan-flies-Kim-Kardashian-sex-tape-flag.html


Seems obvious - Flags are a problem and need to be banned.


Run that up yer pole!


Flags are NOT a problem. Human stupidity always was and still is the problem

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Nazi flags near Carrickfergus bonfire site taken down by "outraged" residents




See! out of control this flag business!


Notice how the outraged residents in this case are happy for terrorist murals on their walls though!


notice theres also union flag AND confederate flag too, to cater for all denominations of racists, thats multicultural if i ever saw it :P


Its always baffled me how you get people who love "their", OUR country, yet are also neo nazis and use the swastika etc, it baffles me where the thinking and logic comes from for a love of both???

Since our forefathers died fighting the nazis and what they stood for, surely both dont logically go hand in hand or is it just me?

Edited by melthebell
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They used to fly the swastika flag atop the American Nazi Party HQ some miles from where I used to live. Obnoxious and offensive as it was it was never taken down. To have forcibly removed it would have violated the First Amendment and the ANP could have taken it to the supreme court and won.


Whether you like it or not that is true democracy in action. No two ways about it

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