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Call to Extend RTB for Private Tenants with discount.

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Excellent idea!


We are, after all, a property owning democracy, as Camerloon reminded us when he spoke of extending RTB to housing association tenants.


This move would give even more first-time buyers and long-term renters the security and stability of owning their own home.


This has my full support.

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When will the Labour left ever learn?


They would do very well to take a leaf out of Cameron and Osborne's hymn book and promise the land of milk and honey to everyone to get in power and THEN replace all the nice sounding stuff with their extreme political idealogy and call it 'austerity'.

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Makes sense. All landlords ought be like housing associations.


Considering the tenants pay the mortgages for the idle landlords and then some, they really do deserve a RTB and a massive discount!


Landlords get many subsidies and thus it is fair they give some of them back. The something for nothing culture must be ended!

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Makes sense. All landlords ought be like housing associations.


Considering the tenants pay the mortgages for the idle landlords and then some, they really do deserve a RTB and a massive discount!


Landlords get many subsidies and thus it is fair they give some of them back. The something for nothing culture must be ended!


Total garbage, and if you were sober or had any idea about being a landlord, you would know. What total rubbish.

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How? Are you suggesting that people on HB are able to afford a mortgage?




Please do not make the assumption that everyone who claims housing benefit is an unemployed scumbag.

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