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Call to Extend RTB for Private Tenants with discount.

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Renting to people like that sounds like a recipe for disaster. You'd be chasing them for rent which they wouldn't pay, they wouldn't look after the place... It's exactly the kind of tenant that no one wants.


You haven't got a few houses on rent then. The council pays rent every 4weeks bang on time never have to chase

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It isn't a proper proposal. It's a suggestion by Jeremy Corbyn - the token left winger standing for the Labour party leadership election so they can pretend to themselves that they really are still a socialist party. When the leadership candidates were gathering nominations from MPs to stand, they had to get above a certain number to be allowed to, half the MPs who nominated him immediately went on the TV afterwards to say they didn't actually support him but just nominated him so there was a left winger in the race that people could reject.


You mean the guy who just got 47% of the vote in a straw poll of Labour Party members when the next candidate, Andy Burnam got 13%? You mean that left winger the people would reject?




---------- Post added 14-07-2015 at 10:28 ----------


you definately havnt had a house rented out,i have payment direct to my bank. just got letter informing me my they just sent me more money this month from sheffield council


Thought you rented out only to 'professionals' and not 'benefit losers', so why would the council by paying you anything?

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I had 1 until recently, I've sold it.


HB is no longer paid directly to landlords though, it goes to tenants.


It depends, mechanisms are in place for direct payment. All a person has to do is state they would spend the money on food instead of housing as they can't afford to eat, rent is then paid direct. Or miss payment for X weeks and then direct payment can occur.

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You mean the guy who just got 47% of the vote in a straw poll of Labour Party members when the next candidate, Andy Burnam got 13%? You mean that left winger the people would reject?


I'm not sure a self-selected survey carried out a month ago of people active enough in Labour to regularly visit the LaboutList website, i.e. essentially activists, is representative of Labour members as a whole. Even LabourList thinks:

Since Corbyn announced he was standing last week as an anti-austerity candidate, there has been a strong online campaign for him to make it onto the ballot, which could explain the high level of support for him in the survey.


Meanwhile, The Independent noted:

But Mr Corbyn today told Total Politics magazine that he would not accept “charity” nominations.


So Corbyn has gone back on his word already because he needed some charity nominations to qualify as a leadership candidate.

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