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Florida State QB kicked off team after punching girl in bar

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I've noticed a disturbing trend, more men hitting random women in public. In some cases, like this one, the woman was behaving obnoxiously to be sure, but she was hardly a physical threat and certainly didn't deserve the punch she got.


More disturbing than the actual physical violence, is the attitude of some men. "She got what she deserved!" "Bet she won't do that again!" etc. etc. Dark corners of the internet have some guys almost gleeful that some woman got punched in the face or knocked out cold.


I have no problem with a man defending himself if a woman is coming at you with a baseball bat or a knife, by all means, knock her on her rear to avoid being injured.


Most women are no physical match for a man, so why the overkill? Does the abundance of devices capable of capturing these incidents have something to do with it?

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she threw the first punch.....i would of thrown one back as well.


women want equality.. they can deal with the consequences and in my book punching someone in the face just isnt on.. also noticed her knee going in as well.


A fist is no different to a bat or knife. It only takes one punch and a life can be ended. Should he of stepped back, probably, but when booze is involved most rational decisions go out the window.






Puts on flame suit.

Edited by stimpy
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she threw the first punch.....i would of thrown one back as well.


women want equality.. they can deal with the consequences and in my book punching someone in the face just isnt on.. also noticed her knee going in as well.


A fist is no different to a bat or knife. It only takes one punch and a life can be ended. Should he of stepped back, probably, but when booze is involved most rational decisions go out the window.






Puts on flame suit.

I just can't come to terms with hitting a woman, whatever the cause, If it happened to me , and it never has, I think I would walk away from it. Booze excuses nothing. If the guy had killed or injured that woman while drunk, he would still be guilty of manslaughter or GBH.
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I agree with what Stimpy has said.


They might appear to be the weaker sex but I have come across some strong evil women in my previous job who are defonately far from being weak. If some woman attacked me I would hit her back too. If she apparently is the so called weaker sex then she should have more sense than to attack a man.

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she threw the first punch.....i would of thrown one back as well.


women want equality.. they can deal with the consequences and in my book punching someone in the face just isnt on.. also noticed her knee going in as well.


A fist is no different to a bat or knife. It only takes one punch and a life can be ended. Should he of stepped back, probably, but when booze is involved most rational decisions go out the window.






Puts on flame suit.


I grew up with the notion that men who hit women are tossers. Nothing's changed.

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I grew up with the notion that men who hit women are tossers. Nothing's changed.


so did I.


Unfortunately due to being in situations throughout my pub career where the women are worse than the men... my opinion changed.


Dont get me wrong, Im not talking domestic abuse etc etc.... but if a woman wants to throw a punch at someone then she should expect the favour to be returned. Its no different to the girl in question throwing a punch at another girl..... I guess that would be ok then if she got a punch back from the second woman because she doesnt have dangly bits between the legs? ( we assume :hihi: )


tbh the behavior of both sexes within a pub were one of the reasons I left the trade.

Edited by stimpy
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A fist is no different to a bat or knife.


You can kill a lot more people with a bat or knife than with a fist. That's why there are laws specifically against carrying dangerous weapons and not for amputating hands just in case.

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