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Florida State QB kicked off team after punching girl in bar

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Social norms change with time. Its progress i suppose but i was taught in my youth never to hit a girl and i didnt. Thing is girls have been known to use this to their advantage and so dont feel it a problem to hit a man. In fact take a look at TV for one example. When a women hits a man its usually met with laughs or approval. When its the other way around the man is worse than Hitler, worse than a Paedo, Worse even than a PSCO and some women think this is the same in real life.

In my incident years ago i made the mistake of knocking a drink from someones hand. I apologised and offered a new drink but this women just started hitting me. I told her to stop or id knock her out but she just kept saying "IM A WOMEN!" with what felt like every punch. Id had enough to true to my word i knocked her out. I mean spark out.

I was then arrested but on viewing of the footage i was released without charge. I didnt bother making a complaint to the police about her though. I figured crooked teeth was a high enough price for her to pay.


---------- Post added 09-07-2015 at 10:02 ----------


So youre saying we should hit them because it could damage their looks? :hihi:

Start digging that Anderson shelter mate. You may need it lol


I sincerely hope that is not how my post comes across.

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To be honest no one should be hitting anyone.


This is a qb, a prime athlete. He can probably lift double his own body weight. He, of all people, shouldn't be hitting anyone. That girl offered no real physical threat to him and his reaction is grossly out of proportion.


He shouldn't have been in that situation to begin with.

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For everyone saying "she threw the first punch! If you even want to call it a punch.


Here's what I saw: Crowded dive bar. Bartender wearing overalls with no shirt? Must be a Florida thing. :hihi:


He bumps into her, which wouldn't have happened but for the crowd. She rudely turns around, words are exchanged.


She raises her fist. She does not **** her arm back like she's going to strike him, just raises her fist warning him, "back off!"


He grabs her arm and holds it because he thinks she's about to hit him. She starts trying to pull away and you can see her mouthing "LET GO" on the video.


She kicks at him, he STILL doesn't let go. She punches him with her free hand and in response he hits her back harder, then skedaddles.


HE put his hands on HER first. He was the aggressor. And if he's a good enough football player, after this kerfluffle dies down, he'll quietly be reinstated to the team. The Seminoles aren't about to let talent like that walk away.


---------- Post added 09-07-2015 at 19:18 ----------


To be honest no one should be hitting anyone.


This is a qb, a prime athlete. He can probably lift double his own body weight. He, of all people, shouldn't be hitting anyone. That girl offered no real physical threat to him and his reaction is grossly out of proportion.


He shouldn't have been in that situation to begin with.


YES!!!!! I quite agree. He was in NO physical danger from her.


Hell, he's a good looking guy. If he had played his cards right, he probably could have gotten together with her. :heyhey:


Not saying a man should never defend himself, it's the overkill responses that bother me.

Edited by Sierra
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Should I understand this as you saying that males domestically abused by their female partners are 'tossers' if they should dare to defend themselves?



No, you shouldn't; of course people have the right to defend themselves.


---------- Post added 09-07-2015 at 19:26 ----------


To be honest no one should be hitting anyone.


This is a qb, a prime athlete. He can probably lift double his own body weight. He, of all people, shouldn't be hitting anyone. That girl offered no real physical threat to him and his reaction is grossly out of proportion.


He shouldn't have been in that situation to begin with.


Very well said Jonny5. I agree with everything you say here, spot on.

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He bumps into her, which wouldn't have happened but for the crowd.


It looked a bit to me like she was actively trying to prevent him getting to the bar, by positioning herself, and taking up more room there, than she needed. Did you not get that impression?


Also, I'm curious; if 'she' was a 'he', but with the same physical strength and capability; would you feel differently about the scenario?


By specifying a gender, another way of stating "not okay to hit girls" is "is okay to hit boys".


I imagine a lot of people would take the view; if 'he' was a 'she'; of...


A: Well it's his own fault for being weedy.

B: He should know his place and not start fights with bigger dudes.

C: He needs to grow a pair and be a 'man', etc etc.

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It looked a bit to me like she was actively trying to prevent him getting to the bar, by positioning herself, and taking up more room there, than she needed. Did you not get that impression?



The video gave me the feeling that there had been some element of contact before they reached the bar.

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He'll be forgiven and playing football again. They all are. A tearful interview and contrite attitude in front of a news media camera will do the trick and of course big money is involved


Some of these buffoons should be equipped with better protective helmets. Too much head contact seems to addle their brainboxes

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