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Florida State QB kicked off team after punching girl in bar

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Oh, Ok. So you might beat up, say, a learning disabled teenager and then worry about it later for example?


I would stop a learning disabled teenager, I'm pretty sure I wouldnt beat them up but if it takes physical violence to stop physical violence then thats how life is.

Me and you have met Halibut, I'm not surprised you have an aversion to any form of self defence

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I would stop a learning disabled teenager, I'm pretty sure I wouldnt beat them up but if it takes physical violence to stop physical violence then thats how life is.

Me and you have met Halibut, I'm not surprised you have an aversion to any form of self defence


Unless you send me your name and tell me where by PM, I'll assume that you're making it up.

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And there goes the thread. It was doing well until the trolls came in. Shame.



I'm with you mickey finn. Threatened with physical violence I wouldn't be asking questions until I knew myself and my family are safe. Today's world is very different to the past. In an idealistic world we would all get on, reality is very different.


In respect to the original thread, the player got what he deserved in being banned from the sport. Actions/consequences and all that.

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It looked a bit to me like she was actively trying to prevent him getting to the bar, by positioning herself, and taking up more room there, than she needed. Did you not get that impression?


Yes, I did. It looked like they were both going for the same small opening at the bar. She got there first. And yes, that's exactly what she was doing. Unfortunately, people are often rude, thoughtless and selfish in public. Not excusing her behavior, but who's to say if he had reached the bar first he wouldn't have done the same?


Also, I'm curious; if 'she' was a 'he', but with the same physical strength and capability; would you feel differently about the scenario?


I would.


By specifying a gender, another way of stating "not okay to hit girls" is "is okay to hit boys".


I imagine a lot of people would take the view; if 'he' was a 'she'; of...


A: Well it's his own fault for being weedy.

B: He should know his place and not start fights with bigger dudes.

C: He needs to grow a pair and be a 'man', etc etc.


A lot of people would I'm sure, but they fail to take into account that men and women are usually raised differently. As well as social conditioning, our bodies and brains are flooded with different levels of hormones that effect the way we think, move, talk, walk, everything.


Most guys know you don't pick a fight with a bigger dude. Some learn the hard way. Most women don't settle disputes physically. Sadly, this is changing for the worse.


It's NOT ok for a woman to hit a man! Too many women get physically aggressive with a man counting on him being polite enough not to hit back. That too is changing. However, I have zero patience with the equal rights= equal lefts crowd thinking this means they can wallop a woman with impunity.


God, how did things get so messed up? :(

Edited by Sierra
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