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Hunting - the window into Politics

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Yes I would. I think there is evidence that fish feel pain when hooked.


I think there is a difference though, as the vast majority of the public are against fox hunting while still believing the angler's myth that fish don't feel pain and thus would not support a ban on angling.


If you were honest and not deliberately trying to pretend the I am only against cruelty because of your class war obsession you wouldn't have only emboldened that small part of my previous post. You appear to have an agenda of making it a class issue.


Of course they feel pain, but just because most people want something banned shouldn't mean that it should be. People are influenced by idiotic newspapers like the Daily Fail.

I would guess that most people would like to see Abu Hamza strung from a lamppost - it doesn't make it right.

More people read the Sun than any other newspaper (sic) - doesn't make it right.

Whilst I accept democracy, we elect our representatives to look into things and make the right decisions (hopefully).


---------- Post added 20-07-2015 at 22:36 ----------


Oh and yes - I believe it is very much a class issue as shown by my highlights.


---------- Post added 20-07-2015 at 23:11 ----------


I'm sorry I have to apologise - I've just noticed you are a vegetarian, I have no argument with you. You are obviously principled against killing any animals, and cannot claim that your objection is largely based on class prejudice.


I believe that foxes need to be controlled in the countryside to protect livestock. You presumeably do not.

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I also pointed out that through ignorance you've missed your target. Your intention was to hurt the rich/aristocracy and what you're actually doing is hurting mostly ordinary, not especially wealthy people who just wanted to take part in something we don't approve of.


My "target" as you put it is NOT class it is the blood thirsty mindless perverts who think that chasing a defenseless animal around with a pack of viscious hounds. What I love love to demean is the way that a certain class wish to do it all dressed up like idiots. Now Im sorry if that comes across as if i am mocking or belittling your much beloved upper class, but frankly thats YOUR problem not mine, Im sure that the upper class much appreciate the way your are defending them on here and your forelock tugging every time you see one.


I will state this CLEARLY for you as you seem to be having trouble understanding it. I am against fox hunting and the other blood "sports" no matter WHO does it.


Your obsession with defending the "sport" by trying to belittle my opposition to it by trying to imply that I am only against it because I dont like the upper class does make it seem that you are therefore pro-hunting especially when you also try to muddy the waters by bringing in other separate and irrelevant "comparisons"


---------- Post added 21-07-2015 at 10:50 ----------


As Unbeliever and many others have realised Fox Hunting is cruel and there is no real debate about this.


Nevertheless why has Bear baiting, **** fighting and Dog fighting been made illegal and yet Fox hunting survives?


If you look at the demographic of who did or does it the answer becomes clear. The influence of wealth is an obvious difference. Therefore, it is a keen topic in the debate and rather proves the point that the socially progressive types are banging on about all the time.


Which is:- Money brings power and power corrupts.


The privileged, and others, are using this power to preserve their own barbaric pleasures.


Carefull, unbeliever will be accusing YOU of class warfare next :huh:


---------- Post added 21-07-2015 at 10:51 ----------


I actually believe you are trolling. You quoted a post of mine in which I made clear I didn't mind which which class went hunting, but it is cruel whoever does it. In your quote you deliberately and dishonestly emboldened one part to make it look like I thought it was a class issue. If you want to debate an issue, debate it honestly next time please. For you, it clearly is a class issue but for me it is not.


It seems that both ron and unbeliever seem to be having some kind of class fetish :)

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My "target" as you put it is NOT class it is the blood thirsty mindless perverts who think that chasing a defenseless animal around with a pack of viscious hounds. What I love love to demean is the way that a certain class wish to do it all dressed up like idiots. Now Im sorry if that comes across as if i am mocking or belittling your much beloved upper class, but frankly thats YOUR problem not mine, Im sure that the upper class much appreciate the way your are defending them on here and your forelock tugging every time you see one.


I will state this CLEARLY for you as you seem to be having trouble understanding it. I am against fox hunting and the other blood "sports" no matter WHO does it.


Your obsession with defending the "sport" by trying to belittle my opposition to it by trying to imply that I am only against it because I dont like the upper class does make it seem that you are therefore pro-hunting especially when you also try to muddy the waters by bringing in other separate and irrelevant "comparisons"


---------- Post added 21-07-2015 at 10:50 ----------



Carefull, unbeliever will be accusing YOU of class warfare next :huh:



We're going round in circles here.

I don't see why you and your supporters on here felt the need to bring class into matters if it was irrelevant. You assert that you'd be against it anyway, I suspect that some supporters of the ban would and others wouldn't.


I'm a libertarian. I don't support bans or over-regulation of things we can live with. That's what this is all about for me. I say the same things about the heavy taxes and regulation on tobacco, alcohol and all sorts of other things which are bad, but not a threat to civil society.

I genuinely don't understand why fox hunting has been singled out and your repeated UPPER CASE ASSERTIONS that it is completely different from Halal/Kosher slaughter without any sort of justification are wholly unconvincing.


If we encourage the state to ban or regulate into extinction anything that you can get a majority of the people to agree is bad, where does it end?

Fox hunting is bad. Adults being routinely nannied into some sort of uniform idealised lifestyle is worse.

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My "target" as you put it is NOT class it is the blood thirsty mindless perverts who think that chasing a defenseless animal around with a pack of viscious hounds. What I love love to demean is the way that a certain class wish to do it all dressed up like idiots. Now Im sorry if that comes across as if i am mocking or belittling your much beloved upper class, but frankly thats YOUR problem not mine, Im sure that the upper class much appreciate the way your are defending them on here and your forelock tugging every time you see one.


I will state this CLEARLY for you as you seem to be having trouble understanding it. I am against fox hunting and the other blood "sports" no matter WHO does it.


Your obsession with defending the "sport" by trying to belittle my opposition to it by trying to imply that I am only against it because I dont like the upper class does make it seem that you are therefore pro-hunting especially when you also try to muddy the waters by bringing in other separate and irrelevant "comparisons"


---------- Post added 21-07-2015 at 10:50 ----------



Carefull, unbeliever will be accusing YOU of class warfare next :huh:


---------- Post added 21-07-2015 at 10:51 ----------



It seems that both ron and unbeliever seem to be having some kind of class fetish :)


I have no class fetish.


Where do you stand on fish torture?

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I suppose it all depends on how much secret information you can can get out of them, particularly where it affect national security


Let us assume that they have no information to give you and that you are not trying obtain any information. You simply want to have fun dragging it around a pond then putting it back to be tortured all over again at a later date?

So how do you feel about fishing?

Edited by RonJeremy
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Let us assume that they have no information to give you and that you are not trying obtain any information. You simply want to have fun dragging it around a pond then putting it back to be tortured all over again at a later date?

So how do you feel about fishing?


Tried it once, was bored senseless

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