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Hunting - the window into Politics

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Bizarre, people go around being cruel to animals and you excuse it on laissez faire, liberal grounds.


Do you feel the same about people being cruel to children? Surely just because you don't understand it you shouldn't prevent others doing it if they want to?


And as for the comparison with Halal slaughter.....bizarre. You seem to think chasing a fox or a stag for hours on end then ripping it to pieces is a "humane" way to kill an animal but slitting it's throat in one go isn't.


Like I say, bizarre :loopy:


I havent condoned stag hunting here at all. Halal is cruel and barbaric and is so widely practised that its level of suffering is far far greater than the few foxes that are caught or hunted.

Fishing is much more cruel. Especially stocked course fishing and shark fishing.

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I don't hunt, let me make that clear. It makes no difference to me whether people hunt or not. I find the obsession with horses odd. But, and it's a big BUT I wouldnt like someone to stop me fishing or shooting, and my laissez faire, liberal Tory Politics doesnt like people banning things because they dont understand it.

A death being ripped apart by a pack of dogs is much more preferable to being shot and dying slowly somewhere of starvation or hanging around in a neck snare for a day or few, or having to chew your own leg off because you've been caught in a leg snare - yes I've seen this.

If you dont like hunting, dont go hunting.


However it's done, it ought to be with as little cruelty as is manageable.


What I really don't like about the whole debate is this town versus country element. It's been painted as townies=know nothing=against, whereas county=all for. It's just not true.

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However it's done, it ought to be with as little cruelty as is manageable.


What I really don't like about the whole debate is this town versus country element. It's been painted as townies=know nothing=against, whereas county=all for. It's just not true.


It isn't totally one way or the other as you say, but there is a big divide between the two.

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Unbeliever, you are lying when you accuse us of wanting to keep hunting illegal because of some kind of class war. I don't care which classes want to make it legal... It is wrong because it is making a joyous day out based on the hope of an animal being ripped apart.


Although as you are obsessed with class war, why isn't Cameron attempting to legalise working class sports such as dog fighting?

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Unbeliever, you are lying when you accuse us of wanting to keep hunting illegal because of some kind of class war. I don't care which classes want to make it legal... It is wrong because it is making a joyous day out based on the hope of an animal being ripped apart.


Although as you are obsessed with class war, why isn't Cameron attempting to legalise working class sports such as dog fighting?


It's hard not to form this conclusion based on some of the comments so far. RonJeremy helpfully highlighted them in post 40.

I concede that none of them are yours and I accept that there are other motives for wanting to keep the ban.

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It isn't totally one way or the other as you say, but there is a big divide between the two.


I think the divide is much smaller than most people think. I know a lot of people who live in the countryside who are against legalising hunting. I saw a poll recently that showed a majority of country folk against hunting. I'll try to find a link over the weekend.


Some posters keep comparing legalising fox hunting to other issues. The fact that a vast majority of the public wanted it be banned and a vast majority still support the ban makes it incredible that Cameron has made it one of his first bills. He seems to consider it more important than his manifesto pledge on care for the elderly which he has now decided to not honour.

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How do you mean Ron?


Sorry not clear.

Most country people who are a part of the genuine countryside are for hunting. But as you say not all.

In kinda agreeing with you.


---------- Post added 17-07-2015 at 22:32 ----------


I think the divide is much smaller than most people think. I know a lot of people who live in the countryside who are against legalising hunting. I saw a poll recently that showed a majority of country folk against hunting. I'll try to find a link over the weekend.


Some posters keep comparing legalising fox hunting to other issues. The fact that a vast majority of the public wanted it be banned and a vast majority still support the ban makes it incredible that Cameron has made it one of his first bills. He seems to consider it more important than his manifesto pledge on care for the elderly which he has now decided to not honour.


There is a lot of immigration to the country from the town for many reasons: increased prosperity; white flight; preferring a gentler way of life. These people are counted as country dwellers, but they aren't country folk. This probably skews the stats. I accept it isn't black and white though.

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Nothing illustrates this better than the deafening silence from the anti-hunting folk today as they have no defence as to why banning fox hunting is good but banning Kosher/Halal would be bad. They seem to understand that being seen to be prejudiced against Jews and Muslims would be bad, but somehow that doesn't apply to certain other people in society.


It is not a matter of being prejudiced against the aristocracy as you seem to be obsessed with. There are, rightly or wrongly, religious reasons for kosher food and at least the way the animals are killed is quick. Are you saying that hunting should be allowed on religious grounds because the hunters want to eat the fox as part of some weird religious rite or requirement and that chasing it all over the countryside at great distress before finally ripping it apart is part of that perversion?


---------- Post added 17-07-2015 at 22:34 ----------


Your entire post is ridiculous.


Why, because he disagrees with you?

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It's hard not to form this conclusion based on some of the comments so far. RonJeremy helpfully highlighted them in post 40.

I concede that none of them are yours and I accept that there are other motives for wanting to keep the ban.


I have met Taxman on several occasions and I can assure you that he is against fox hunting whoever does it. I think you owe him an apology for claiming he is only against hunting because of your class war.


It is a common diversion policy of those who support fox hunting to claim that people who are against animal cruelty do it is a class war issue.


You didn't answer my point about the dog fighting ban repeal. Would you support a repeal of the ban on dog fighting? If not, am I right in presuming you hate the working class?

Edited by A.B.Yaffle
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