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London tube strike today,selfish??

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its up to london transport isnt it? they have to negotiate...or take trains off the service.

but get your facts straight the typical driver earns £50k. workers on the platforms etc earn less. hardly amazing money for london for what is a stressful / busy job.


Stressfull? A trained chimpanzee could do the job, and the day is coming when the trains will not even need a chimp, technology on the horizon that will make all trains driverless.


Robots dont strike.

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todays general tube strike is causing chaos all over London, how selfish is this? these strikers are hitting every hardworking person trying to go about their business in the capital, not forgetting the tourists bringing money to the city.

how can TFL allow this when some of their drivers etc are on 100k plus a year, disgusting behavior.


Cannot ALL strikes be viewed as selfish? All strikes will hit someone or other, that is the point of them. If they failed to affect anyone they would be pointless.


As to how TFL could allow it, how could they prevent it? Apart of course from doing what the strikers want, which obvously they dont want to. It is not as if TFL were the ones organising the strike!


---------- Post added 09-07-2015 at 15:04 ----------


not because they can, but because they cant stop them, but they should be able to sack them?


On what grounds? The inability to strike is obviously not included in the contract and indeed is still part of being in a democratic and civilsed society.


---------- Post added 09-07-2015 at 15:06 ----------


yes it should! certainly in cases of public service, personally i think striking full stop should be punishable by the sack.


So if someone goes on strike because they think their working environment is dangerous or because their employer suddenly cuts their wages by 90% should be sacked? Hmm, I would hate to live in a world like that where workera have no rights whatsoever. Although I am sure YOU would love it!!


---------- Post added 09-07-2015 at 15:10 ----------


i do think striking should be outlawed, jobs do change the workplace changes and therefore working practices must change with the times, just because you were employed under one term one year the position of the company may change the next.


OK, would YOU be happy if your terms and conditions got worse each month? Yes, you CAN change your job, assuming that there is one to go into, but THAT job will be getting worse all the time as well. How soon would it be that we have to take it as read that workers will be killed in their job and be on the poverty line?


---------- Post added 09-07-2015 at 15:14 ----------


as for my job i am self employed now after many years of employing people i got sick of the whinging !!




it needs to be flexible and move with the times:thumbsup:


So where you are concerned then, there shoudl be NO minimum wage, no health and safety, no paid leave or sick time, no maximum working hours and no breaks? I bet you were a wonderful employer


---------- Post added 09-07-2015 at 15:17 ----------


of course thats all i am bothered about, holdups cost me money and half of London! why should a couple of hundred drivers inconvenience the rest of us.

a gain if you dont like the job get another one:rolleyes:


Hmm, so if they ALL up and left today how long do you reckon it will take to get your precious London back up and running again? After all the UK is crawling with trained tube drivers.


---------- Post added 09-07-2015 at 15:20 ----------



yes sorry this should be better


hmm, so what its saying is if all the drivers left now it would take until 2017 to get the underground up and running again? Excellent!! I would LOVE to see that :)

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Stressfull? A trained chimpanzee could do the job, and the day is coming when the trains will not even need a chimp, technology on the horizon that will make all trains driverless.


Robots dont strike.


Lets just hope the trains arent run by Skynet then eh? :hihi:

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As a matter of interest. What IS the case for wanting/needing a 24 hour tube service? Is there really that much call for a tube train at 3 in the morning? Will the external infrastucture be able to deal with the dozens wanting to travel during the night, After all the trains tend not to run during the night.


Are London businesses intending to go 24 hour as well?

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