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London tube strike today,selfish??

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As a matter of interest. What IS the case for wanting/needing a 24 hour tube service? Is there really that much call for a tube train at 3 in the morning? Will the external infrastucture be able to deal with the dozens wanting to travel during the night, After all the trains tend not to run during the night.


Are London businesses intending to go 24 hour as well?


It's not going to be a 24/7 service. The tube will be running through the night at weekends only and only on 5 of the line with services between 8 and 20 minutes.


Looks like it will be to cater for the people who work or go out in central London on a Friday / Saturday night.

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Stressfull? A trained chimpanzee could do the job, and the day is coming when the trains will not even need a chimp, technology on the horizon that will make all trains driverless.


Robots dont strike.




"It's a responsible job," says Brennan, who worked as a driver on the Northern Line for 23 years. "Over the years stations have become busier and there's more need for trains to pass through more frequently. It can be repetitive having to check platforms before leaving stations, but it's a vital and important role."

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Time to put the technology into high gear and start running driverless trains or perhaps the technology and know how is already there but being held back to provide jobs for already overpaid Bolshy minded union workers

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It's not going to be a 24/7 service. The tube will be running through the night at weekends only and only on 5 of the line with services between 8 and 20 minutes.


Looks like it will be to cater for the people who work or go out in central London on a Friday / Saturday night.


Thanks Wageslave :)

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Time to put the technology into high gear and start running driverless trains or perhaps the technology and know how is already there but being held back to provide jobs for already overpaid Bolshy minded union workers


They have driverless trains on the DLR and safety seems just excellent...


So the Tube drivers dont want to work during the night? Poor lambs. I bet they want a 24 hour McDonalds, 24 hour police and fire, 24 hour cash machines, 24 hour fuel stations, 24 hour hospitals and all the other things.


But the people who run those things can walk to work. We don't need a 24 hour Tube at all...

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They have driverless trains on the DLR and safety seems just excellent...


So the Tube drivers dont want to work during the night? Poor lambs. I bet they want a 24 hour McDonalds, 24 hour police and fire, 24 hour cash machines, 24 hour fuel stations, 24 hour hospitals and all the other things.


But the people who run those things can walk to work. We don't need a 24 hour Tube at all...


That is true. But then most people would join those organisations knowing it is a 24 hour job. Whereas these staff have seen it suddenly thrust upon them. There's a difference.

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That is true. But then most people would join those organisations knowing it is a 24 hour job. Whereas these staff have seen it suddenly thrust upon them. There's a difference.


Apart from the fact they've been working nights for a very long time already? Tube drivers have a certain number of hight shifts already adn if they didn't realise that was going to increase they are even more dimwitted than I thought.

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This isn't about money. It's about having a contract change forced upon them. Smilersarah, what is your job? Would you feel ok about it if your employer came in tomorrow and said 'right, I need you to start working Friday nights. Here's £250 as compensation. You start tomorrow at 9pm.' You'd be totally cool about that would you?


Of course other people work night shifts, and the drivers aren't against working nights per se, it's about the total lack of conversation with them about some seriously major contract changes. If TfL had offered voluntary contract changes then they wouldn't be in this mess but they have tried to force it through and the drivers and unions are absolutely justified in this. Londoners have a 1 day of transport chaos in return for some basic rights that all of us in the UK benefit from. Nearly all the basic employment rights you have are down to worker striking for them in the past and you want to take this right away? Ok, when we have full legislation that puts employees first in every single law then go for it. Until then, employers hold all the cards as they pay us, therefore we are powerless as individuals against poor treatment that just isn't illegal yet. Striking is one of the few powers we have as workers and frankly you are an utter idiot if you think taking it away is a good thing.


Please answer my first question about what you do for a job as I am very interested...


Instead of striking why not do something more constructive. If they are not happy look for another job.

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