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More police brutality.

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This in an interesting opinion:







Hes an interesting guy with some good opinions. Hes on my subs list.


---------- Post added 12-07-2015 at 15:35 ----------


But naturally ignored by the SF Boob Toob surfers who just look for the kind of stuff to trash America with



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But naturally ignored by the SF Boob Toob surfers who just look for the kind of stuff to trash America with


When a present US injustice is revealed on SF you without doubt counter it with a UK historical injustice in order for the US one to disappear. The boisterous type that shouts loudly in order to drown out an opponent with a juvenile 'ner ner check your own household first'.


IMO the US is endemically racist with a thin veneer of tolerance and liberalism masking it. Laws do not remove racism, bigotry and intolerance as do neither amendments. You can't force anti-racism, all you can do is force racist 'apathy' by keeping a constitutional lid on it. Is it any surprise that the police only reflect what simmers beneath where the layered veneer is fragile.


How can you "trash" America with a report of an event in America? The only 'trashing of America' comes from you, simply because you deny constantly and actually invent junk that isn't there..even in the face of evidence showing the contrary.

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When a present US injustice is revealed on SF you without doubt counter it with a UK historical injustice in order for the US one to disappear. The boisterous type that shouts loudly in order to drown out an opponent with a juvenile 'ner ner check your own household first'.


IMO the US is endemically racist with a thin veneer of tolerance and liberalism masking it. Laws do not remove racism, bigotry and intolerance as do neither amendments. You can't force anti-racism, all you can do is force racist 'apathy' by keeping a constitutional lid on it. Is it any surprise that the police only reflect what simmers beneath where the layered veneer is fragile.


How can you "trash" America with a report of an event in America? The only 'trashing of America' comes from you, simply because you deny constantly and actually invent junk that isn't there..even in the face of evidence showing the contrary.


Very good post! :thumbsup:

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When we are not even fully aware of the facts why is anyone fretting about what americans do to each other on their over sensationalised tv and news reports.


Has anyone stopped to consider a little history with an observation. Whites took the blacks they had bought from blacks to the US against their will and treat them like crap and some whites still do that today and some blacks have never embraced or valued their freedom. The blacks have had the ability to return to the nations from which their ancestors were torn against their will but few have taken that option so whatever is going on over there they must like it.


The USA's bubble is going to burst soon enough and then they are going to be doing far worse things to each other than they are doing now.


We will then of course have enough of our own problems to contend with... if we haven't already.



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When we are not even fully aware of the facts why is anyone fretting about what americans do to each other on their over sensationalised tv and news reports.


Has anyone stopped to consider a little history with an observation. Whites took the blacks they had bought from blacks to the US against their will and treat them like crap and some whites still do that today and some blacks have never embraced or valued their freedom. The blacks have had the ability to return to the nations from which their ancestors were torn against their will but few have taken that option so whatever is going on over there they must like it.


The USA's bubble is going to burst soon enough and then they are going to be doing far worse things to each other than they are doing now.


We will then of course have enough of our own problems to contend with... if we haven't already.




Yes I've heard that doomsday scenario before but if the worst scenario were to happen it would have happened already in the tumultuous days of the civil rights protests when the attitude towards black people by whites was by comparison with today far less tolerant.


That generation are either very old or are already dead. I happen to have lived here for many years, seen the changes which have occurred. The country is in process of change just as Europe is. Hispanics have now outnumbered blacks in percentage of minority population


I don't see any sense in your remark that blacks in America should have returned to Africa :loopy:

Why would someone who was born and grew up in say Alabama have any feeling of connection with a country that his grandfather was brought from?


He or she might have heard stories of Africa that were passed down from generation to generation but that's a long way from anyone feeling the urge to fold tent and move to another country that is far different in every way from that which they are living in and accustomed to


Don't forget that it was the English who first started the slave trade from Africa with the co-operation and help of Africans themselves and Arab slave traders. They needed manual labour for the English colonies in Virginia and the Carolinas to help harvest the lucrative cotton and tobacco trade.


More shame that after independence it took the Americans another 80 years to finally abolish that shameful trade.

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  • 2 years later...

Here are 2 more clips of USA police,THEY ARE THE WORST OF ALL!!









Sad.......To protect and serve....... Ya right!!

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