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What's happened to our fish & Chips ?

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There was a time back in the past when Fish Chips and peas was our staple diet, our favorite nosh, but now it cost an arm and a leg and usually looks and tastes like warmed up left overs from the night before ....

You couldn't beat walking down the street eating a bag full of red hot chips back then, but now !!!!

We went to Bakewell the other day and it cost us £16 for fish and chips twice and chips and fish cake twice and the stuff looked and tasted so bad none of us could Finnish it

I can go to Chesterfield market and get 10 pound of new potatoes for one pound fifty and yet it cost nearly as much for a small bag of horrible looking cardboard tasting warmed up greasy chips, you'd think for what they charge they could at least give you a good chip,and if you add a case hardened fish to them you'll need a bank loan ..

They would have been stoned when I was a lad for dishing up the rubbish you get today and daring to charge a fortune for it.

But that's not all, oh no not by a long shot because what really gets up my nose is the best chip shop I know is run by a Greek fellow and the only way I can get edible chips is to go to a Chinese take away !!!!!

What's happened to the good old British pride and skill with the fryers....:rant:

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There was a time back in the past when Fish Chips and peas was our staple diet, our favorite nosh, but now it cost an arm and a leg and usually looks and tastes like warmed up left overs from the night before ....

You couldn't beat walking down the street eating a bag full of red hot chips back then, but now !!!!

We went to Bakewell the other day and it cost us £16 for fish and chips twice and chips and fish cake twice and the stuff looked and tasted so bad none of us could Finnish it

I can go to Chesterfield market and get 10 pound of new potatoes for one pound fifty and yet it cost nearly as much for a small bag of horrible looking cardboard tasting warmed up greasy chips, you'd think for what they charge they could at least give you a good chip,and if you add a case hardened fish to them you'll need a bank loan ..

They would have been stoned when I was a lad for dishing up the rubbish you get today and daring to charge a fortune for it.

But that's not all, oh no not by a long shot because what really gets up my nose is the best chip shop I know is run by a Greek fellow and the only way I can get edible chips is to go to a Chinese take away !!!!!

What's happened to the good old British pride and skill with the fryers....:rant:


Don't bother with the shops anymore, when I fancy fish and chips M&S. Do a lovely chunky cod and fresh chips . You may say they are expensive, but they are certainly cheaper than the chippies.

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When I was growing up in the 50s, fish and chips was a treat; definitely not our staple diet.

Sometimes/rarely midweek someone might fancy some chips (with scraps, no fish though, too expensive), but fish and chips were a treat for (usually) Saturday nights and the fish were often shared. Pies, curry sauce etc came much later.

Edited by susie1
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They were just as expensive back in the day, probably more so when you take into account the tiny portions back then.

Not that I agree with the shovel load you get these days, far too much.


We have F+C once a week at work, the general opinion is that Admiral are the best all round.

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They were just as expensive back in the day, probably more so when you take into account the tiny portions back then.


I'm not sure that's true. I can remember being sent for fish and chips in the mid 50s and the cost was 3d for chips and 7d for the fish.

In comparison I think a loaf of bread was 10d and I remember asking my dad how much a pint was and he told me 1/6d :)

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There's definitely an art form to good F&C, and not every shop makes the grade! But if you 'find' that place, then I'm not sure there is a finer meal! (Big up Shaws @ Killamarsh!)


As for cost, in terms of 'not home cooked food', it amazes me that you can feed 2 people for under a tenner and have change. Goto McDonalds or KFC now and feeding 2 folks is almost £15. To me, F&C is the cheapest and best form of fast food. If it was a little healthier, I'd be eating F&C 7 days a week.

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Fish and chips got lost when kebabs and burgers joined the menu i'm afraid.


I agree with this, if you want proper fish and chips go to an English one that sells nothing but F+C except for the odd sausage.

It's the same the other way round, an Englishman cannot make a Chinese meal or an Indian meal in the same way that they can.

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The fish & chips taste different today because they are fried in oil rather than dripping or lard. When I was a kid in the 60s my mum once sent me for 3 fish 2 cakes 5 lots of chips & pease she gave me a ten shilling note and I came back with change. Our favourite chippy was Torry's( think that's how you spell it) on Grimsthorpe Rd Pitsmoor.

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