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What's happened to our fish & Chips ?

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When I was a youngster, a bag of chips came in a small greaseproof bag and was relatively cheap. These days the smaller portions are enormous. Could this be why there is an obesity problem in the UK? Portions here in the UK are getting larger, unlike in the USA where the food is of relatively poor quality anyway where quantity overtakes quality, thats why the UK chip shop prices have rocketed.

The missus and I share a portion of f&c, we find its enough and makes a meal for one quite reasonable.

Also a f&c shop near us does a smaller portion for OAPs for about £2, available on market day, they shift a lot of stuff that way, maybe more should do that.

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I think that a pint at 1/6d in the mid 50,s is over priced my first pint in 61 was 1/3d(best bitter Stones--at Meadowbank hotel)--do remember chips in the 50,s at 3d though,


hiya too true,a pint of tetley in 1957 was mild 1s1d,apint of best bitter was 1s 2d, a tot of whiskey 2s 6d. aas for chip shops within a half mile radius when i was growing up there were 7 and the one on regent st sold 2d and 3d bags of chips and 6d fish and 4d fishcakes.

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Fish & Chips have never been the same since they stopped serving them in newspaper!


I don't recall FnC being served ON newspaper, even in the '50s there was some protective paper between the food and the print. WRAPPING in newspaper is another matter.

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  • 3 months later...

Remember when i was about 11 or 12 going to the fishy on weedon street for the teachers at carbrook c&e dinners,

to me alf Jackson did the best fish&chips he cooked in dripping Lants a cross carbrook st cooked in oil but did the best peas ever,cooked in a large pan on a one ring burner that never seened to go out.

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Scarboro Woof ... Wolf Eel, nearest thing you can get to this is Rock Eel (Rock Salmon) sold extensively in the south east of England in chip shops.


I bought some Woof in a fishmongers in Whitby last month.


It was lovely.

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Lets face it, if they can sell horse meat as beef burgers how many can tell for sure what fish their eating ?

Personally since they brought in all these Common Market rules on what you can and can't use not to mention the old E numbers every blinking thing taste different, or maybe I'm just getting old.

But I do know I'll never find fish chips and peas that taste as good as when I was a kid, with lashings of salt and vinegar and that hot they burnt your fingers and your mouth as you were eating them walking down the street coming home from the pictures in the dark ......


Magic or what :nod:

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The price of fish (cod) is very expensive today as a youngster in the late forties chips were 3p and cod 4p.

I worked in a Fish shop in the early 60s, cod was 12.5p per pound, the size of the cod that arrived in our shop was three to four times larger than the cod you see today all due to over fishing.

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The price of fish (cod) is very expensive today as a youngster in the late forties chips were 3p and cod 4p.

I worked in a Fish shop in the early 60s, cod was 12.5p per pound, the size of the cod that arrived in our shop was three to four times larger than the cod you see today all due to over fishing.


Are you getting your 'p's mixed up with your 'd's? I can't speak for the 40s but in the mid 50s I remember chips being 3d (1.25p) and fish 7d (2.9p).

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Are you getting your 'p's mixed up with your 'd's? I can't speak for the 40s but in the mid 50s I remember chips being 3d (1.25p) and fish 7d (2.9p).


Yes Jim, threppance (2p) and only a 'tanner' into the early '60s, and I think the other bloke's 'coddin'.

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Yes Jim, threppance (2p) and only a 'tanner' into the early '60s, and I think the other bloke's 'coddin'.

No I'm not Coddin, I can name the chippy down Addy Street off Crookesmoor rd, it was Littlewoods.

I went to Crookesmoor school with their daughter and Sunday school with her older brother Maurice who I later served in the T.A. with.

Splitting hairs over the wording is a bit poor:loopy: so I'll re write it 3 old pence for chips and four old pence for fish. I left Crookesmoor road in 1949/50

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