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What's happened to our fish & Chips ?

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What really annoys me is you only seem to have a choice of Cod and Haddock in the chippys in Sheffield. Why is that? Why not Rock eel (Dog Fish) and skate as well. Come on Fryers, give us more choice.


We get more choice than we think! A few months ago I went in a chip shop and asked whether the fish on the menu was cod or haddock and got the reply "it's haddock type". Pressed for an clear answer and expecting coley, pollock etc got the reply "I don't know what it's called but it's from Vietnam"

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If it is from Vietnam, it could be Tilapia. A cheaper fish and is sold in most supermarkets on the west coast here.


---------- Post added 25-07-2015 at 12:14 ----------


Then again I forgot about a fish called Basa, ( no wanda jokes please) It is probably that as tilapia is a thin filet and would not hold up well in deep frying.

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I don't mind them trying to sell fish that is not cod or haddock as long as they make it clear what it is.


If I go in a chippy and it just says fish on the price list I just walk out' if it was cod or haddock it would have said so.



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Our tastes have changed dramatically over the last few years. We are heavily influenced by foreign food by travel & religious influences. A lot of food trade are now using Hallal meat because doesn't limit it's sales also it is cheaper. They also use all sorts of flavouring & are cooking food using different oils & fats to appeal to a wider sales.


I noticed travelling through France last year when I found I never smelled any French coffee or fresh baked bread or even the distinct smell of French cigarettes. I know this is not directly to do with taste traditional fish & chips but every country's eating habits are changing and we are all eating many of the same foodstuffs as each other & using the cheapest products for producing cooked food.


Sadly most of our younger people have never tasted a lot of our traditional foods & are unlikely to develop the same tastes & memories of food like fish & chips. I feel most traditional foods will become gourmet items in our hotels & restaurants. I guess we cannot live in the past & have to get used to the new internal food trends. I guess I will just have to savour my memories I have of the food I ate & enjoyed as a youngster.

Happy Days? PopT


My bold=

Halal meat is not cheaper than non halal meat.

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They would have been stoned when I was a lad for dishing up the rubbish you get today and daring to charge a fortune for it..............

..............What's happened to the good old British pride and skill with the fryers....:rant:



On the subject of rubbish being served in chippys I had the misfortune to use one on shoreham street the other day...


We had no idea what the fish was or how long it had been out of the water and the chips were limp and soggy, like ..but worse than .. those horrible pale yellow things you still get from some not very good chinese take-aways. A culinary experience I would wish only on members of ISIS and solicitors.



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Don't bother with the shops anymore, when I fancy fish and chips M&S. Do a lovely chunky cod and fresh chips . You may say they are expensive, but they are certainly cheaper than the chippies.

Very true, M+S fish and chips are very good

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My bold=

Halal meat is not cheaper than non halal meat.


All fish is Halal isn't it?


I sas on a residential training course with a Tunisian Muslim once. He ate at the local fish and chip shop every night because it was the only place he could get anything acceptable to his faith. I suggested we should try the local Indian restaurant, but he asked them and they admitted their meat wasn't Halal.

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Cod is a rare these days. My inlaws had a fish and chip shop in Ecclesfield and used to skin all the fish before frying and it came fresh from the east coast. Cod, haddock, plaice and rock salmon was on the menu. I used to buy Scarborough Woof as a substitute for cod from Sheffield market in the 60's as I could not afford cod. Never hear of this nowadays.

As for meat, I ask a perfectly reasonable question - how come we are expected to eat halal meat as a courtesy (even if we do not agree with it) but our muslim friends will not eat non halal. My very good friend who is an Imam will not eat what I prepare unless he reads all the labels first but when I go to his house I am expected to eat whatever is served. This offends me but I say nothing. It is against my principles to eat halal meat but have to accept it as I would never cause offence.

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