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Police powers boosted to seize foreign untaxed vehicles

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Should this be allowed?


If I were to buy another car (which is now sold with out tax), I would not get no 6 month grace period. It would need to be taxed, tested and insured before even rolling it down the road. They should be fully legit at the point of entering the country or turned around back home!


And when you go abroad you'll be happy if you have to buy a years tax before being allowed entry will you?

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Have you all forgotten that Police budgets are being cut and they won't have the resources to put this fantastic soundbite into practice?


Hopefully most of the illegal foreign cars will be off the road by then.

About half a mile away from where i live there are roma Rumanians, and some of the cars that come and visit them are, to say the least, death traps eg very little braking capacity.

I dont think the police will treat this as a minor incident, after all they do have to pay for it being in the pound as well as tax and insurance, on second thoughts the cars will not be worth repairing they will all go to the crusher.

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Thank the good Lord! The Police finally doing something proactive.

Lost count of the number of times I've been behind SK plated cars with no functioning break-lights.


Anyone know how i can check if a foreign plated car is taxed and/or MOT'd?


Reason being there are two near me with Slovak plates, both in daily use and been here coming up to 2 years now and if they have passed a UK MOT then i will eat my hat!

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